What is seven?
The total number of works of mercy
What is fourteen?
This principle of Catholic social teaching states that all people have value and deserve dignity
What is the dignity of the human person?
This sacrament strengthens the grace first received in Baptism
What is Confirmation?
This is the first book of the Bible
What is Genesis?
Corporal, in English
What is body?
What is instruct the ignorant?
This Catholic social teaching principle states that governments should support communities but not take over local responsibilities
What is subsidiarity?
The sacrament of Confirmation gives us these special gifts to help us live our faith.
What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
This is the final book of the Bible
What is Revelation?
This saint founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950
Who is Mother Teresa?
The saint who forgave her murderer
Who is Maria Goretti?
Catholic social teaching is often summarized by these three words: life, dignity, and this
What is justice?
This promise, made during Confirmation, is a renewal of Baptismal vows
What is the profession of faith?
The Immaculate Conception refers to this person being conceived without original sin
Who is the Blessed Virgin Mary?
The Gospel that is the basis of the corporal works of mercy
What is Matthew?
Where the spiritual works of mercy were codified
What is the Council of Trent?
What is willing the good of another?
During Confirmation, the bishop anoints the candidate with this substance
What is sacred chrism?
Catholics celebrate this event 40 days after Easter
What is the Ascension?
The seven corporal works of mercy
What are 1. feed the hungry, 2. give drink to the thirsty, 3. clothe the naked, 4. shelter the homeless, 5. visit and ransom the captive, 6. visit the sick, 7. bury the dead?
The seven spiritual works of mercy
What are 1. instruct the ignorant, 2. counsel the doubtful, 3. admonish sinners, 4. bear wrongs patiently, 5. comfort the afflicted, 6. forgive wrongs willingly, 7. pray for the living and the dead?
The second most important tenant of Catholic social teaching
One effect of Confirmation is that it imprints this permanent spiritual mark on the soul
What is an indelible seal?
This saint is the patron saint of lost things
Who is St. Anthony of Padua?