Any unwanted or undesirable plant, whether grass, forb, shrub or tree.
What is a weed.
Name three types of livestock that can utilize rangeland.
What is cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and llamas.
What is all land in the world that is not cultivated, farmed, dense forest, barren desert or covered by solid rock or concrete?
What is range.
What percentage of the wild animals in the US call rangelands home for at least part of their lives?
What is between 75 - 100%.
Name two public agencies that manage rangeland.
What are BLM (Bureau of Land Management), Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife Service, etc.
A method of rotational grazing used to achieve high forage yields.
What is Management Intensive Grazing.
What is one of the most important uses of rangeland?
What is livestock grazing.
What is Wyoming's state grass?
What is Western Wheatgrass.
Roughly, how many wild horses live on western rangelands?
What is more than 80,000 wild horses. (As of 2023)
How many states can you find range and pasture lands in?
What is 50 states.
One mature (1,000 Ib.) cow or the equivalent based upon average daily forage allowance of 26 Ibs. dry matter per day under range conditions. This allows for forage trampled or used by other animals.
What is Animal Unit.
What are the three most common livestock found in rangeland?
What is cattle, sheep and goats.
What is one of the most common shrubs of the west?
What is sage brush.
Western rangelands provide habitat for over how many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians?
What is over 3,000 species.
In the United States, including Alaska, how many acres of rangelands are there?
What is ~770 million acres.
Rest of any perennial plant that is so prolonged that accumulating old material hampers growth and/or kills the plant.
What is overrest.
What term does this definition describe?: Continued heavy grazing which exceeds the recovery capacity of the community and creates a deteriorated range.
What is overgrazing.
What is Wyoming's state flower?
What is Indian Paintbrush.
What is Wyoming's state animal?
What is the American bison.
Which state has the highest percentage of its land classified as rangeland?
What is Nevada at about 80%.
A transition area of vegetation between two communities, having characteristics of both kinds of neighboring vegetation as well as characteristics of its own.
What is Ecotone.
What was passed to protect wild free-roaming horses and burros from capture, branding, harassment, or death; and states in the area where presently found, became an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.
What is he Wild Horses and Burros Act of 1971.
What type of plant species perform most of their growth in late spring and summer and produce seeds in mid-summer and early fall? These species are more competitive in warm and dry environments.
What is a warm-season species.
What are three large predators in Wyoming found in rangelands?
What are wolves, bears, and mountain lions.
What required that public lands be managed in a manner that will protect the quality of scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, environmental, air and atmospheric, water resource, and archeological values.
What is The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976.