In 2024 - Auto Express onboarded ____ new claim professionals.
What is 37?
CT Inside Auto was able to decrease their PMOI effectiveness results by __ points from assessment 2023 to 2024. For 2024 YTD results, we ended the year at __%.
What is 4 points and 4.94%?
One way we control costs is how fast we see non-drivable vehicles. In 2024 we had a __% improvement in our prioritization of seen in 48 hours from mid-year to year-end.
What is 7%?
Auto Express plans to continue to focus on...
What is improve the technical proficiencies of Claim Professionals through targeted trainings and peer led discussions?
In 2024 Auto Express achieved outstanding results in Customer Experience receiving a score of ___.
What is 65%?
CT Inside Auto remains a force to be reckoned with when it comes to our CX results! Were #__ CW with an overall score of __%.
What is #2 and 69%?
We had the TOP result for Settled in Field this year at __%.
What is 84%?
Appraisal plans to focus on appraisal quality in 2025. Name three items we are focusing on.
What is Conditioning, Options, Part Prices, Labor Allowances, and Shop Negotiations?
In 2024, Auto Express handled claims from ___ and continued to exceed all contact KPI results!
What is 84?
___ exceeded all contact expectations in the 2024 assessment and was noted best countrywide!
What is First Party Medical?
This year, our office had 2 Advanced Charges Focus Reviews. The second review showed an appraisal deviation improvement of __%!
What is 17%?
CT Inside Auto plans to focus on...
What is embracing cutting edge technologies (AI, DSS, etc.) and integrating them seamlessly in to our workflows. We will proactively enhance our technical capabilities and strive for excellence in our KPIs (APD/AL contacts, Closures, and Unrepresented AL Closures), Quality Results (FOVS screen and reserving/payment discipline), Customer Experience, and Litigation Strategies?
In the last quarter of 2024, Auto Express increased their R+H time from 47% to ___ through the Get Ready With Me Competition (GRWM).
What is 54%?
Auto Liability had __ Letter of Protections (LOP) approved this year and were noted as being the in the top 3 offices for the usage of this program. We were compliant with ___ of our 250K+ reserve reviews and BI reserve reviews. We saw ___ defense verdicts and one being a claim with a LOP!
What is 18, ALL, and 7?
This year appraisal has become friends with this Governmental Agency ensuring we pay what we owe on towing and storage. Sometimes, we even get money back if we are overcharged!
What is the DMV?
What competency will need to be front of mind for ALL of CT Auto in 2025?
What is Change Management?
This coming year we will be seeing multiple new rollouts including APD Optimization. It is imperative that we embrace the change and have an open line of communication where feedback is provided both ways to strive to be more efficient and have solid outcomes where we pay what we owe!