Use your bird book to ID this bird
Ruddy Duck
Does this skull indicate an organism that is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore?
Use the dichotomous key to identify the macroinvertebrate specimen.
List one reason that the avian flu is a priority disease to the Michigan DNR.
It passes from bird to bird easily
It can wipe out important hunting species
It can transfer to domestic birds easily
Is the following picture a male or female Atlantic salmon?
Does the scat come from a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore?
Omnivore, coyote
Does this pelt come from an organism that is mostly aquatic or mostly terrestrial?
Explain how macroinvertebrates tell a story about water quality.
Certain macroinvertebrates can only live in high quality water while some are much more tolerant. Depending on what you find, you can make inferences about how high or low the water quality is.
How can CWD transfer from one deer to another?
Bachelor groups, cleaning, mother to offspring, saliva - salt licks or bait piles.
Explain how BKD can transfer from one fish to another (there are two ways and you need both to get the points)
Vertical transmission (parent to offspring) or horizontal transmission (fish bump into each other)
Use your bird book to ID this bird
Marsh wren
Explain what this track tells us about the organism. List its likely habitat and what/how it eats.
Snapping Turtle. Aquatic environments because of the big padded feet. Can use its claws to dig in the mud or catch prey.
When culturing macroinvertebrates, what factors are important to consider? List three.
Habitat, food, chemical properties of water, physical properties of water
What is the protein called that causes CWD?
Use the salmon cutout and the year class chart to determine what year this fish was released from the hatchery.
2021 (left pectoral clip)