What is the planet closest to the sun?
What year was Singapore founded by Sir stamford raffles?
When is World Thinking Day?
22 february
In frozen 1, what did olaf (the talking snowman) said he loved the most?
Summer (and all things hot)
What comes next?
“From the screen, to the ring….”
to the pen, to the king 👑
How many milligrams makes a gram?
How tall is the indoor waterfall that is located in Jewel Changi?
40 meters
Who is the founder of Girl Guides?
Agnes Baden-powell
What are the names of the evil stepsisters in Cinderella?
Anastasia and Drizella
Finish the lyrics,
“When I was 13, I had my first love…”
There was nobody that compared to my baby (And nobody came between us, nor could ever come above)
_____ is the change of state from a solid to a gas, without passing through the liquid state
True or false?
Formula 1 held its first ever night race in Singapore
How many world centers are there?
What is the only Disney animated feature film where the title character doesn’t speak?
Who was the singer of “espresso”
Sabrina Carpenter
Which dutch painter cut off a part of his ear?
Vincent van Gogh
How many islands is Singapore made up of?
(Clue: it is more than 50)
Which year was the Girl Guide movement started in Singapore?
What is the name of the monkey in Aladdin
Name 5 female singers
Any acceptable answers
How many bones do sharks have?
Which year was the “chewing gum ban” law first created?
What is the original name for “brownies”
What is the name of the candle in Beauty and the Beast?
Name 5 groups
Any acceptable answer