What's the name of the creed we speak, that tells us who God is?
The Apostles' Creed
Wager - What are the other two Ecumenical Creeds called?
What is a petition?
A request or need.
How does the explanation of every command begin?
"We should fear and love God..."? ****Wager-why do they all begin this way
This is what makes Baptism important and powerful
God's word
****Wager: how many sacraments are there?
These are the earthly elements of Holy Communion.
What is bread and wine?
What does AMEN mean?
Let it be OR Make this happen
What 3 groups of resources does God use to give us daily bread (meet our earthly needs)?
-The earth -People -Good governments and society
This is the topic of the 9th and 10th Commandments.
Don't "covet"? ***Wager: what does that mean?
If God's word is the powerful agent, why use water?
God commanded it
How can bread and wine become Jesus body and blood
His word
What do we confess about God the Father in the creed?
He's almighty and the maker of Heaven and Earth
Explain the spiritual warfare cycle in the second half of the LP.
Forgive us--->lead us---->deliver us---->back to forgive
What's the DON"T and DO for observing the Sabbath?
Don't work & Do worship, fellowship, and rest
What does Baptism do?
kills, makes alive, adopts, forgives, saves, gives Holy Spirit.
What is important for an individual to consider as they approach communion?
-Trusts God's word -Desires forgiveness -Recognizes need
What did Jesus pay or take for me, and what does Jesus give me?
He lived the perfect life that He gives to me and also takes my sinful life and pays for my sins.
What's the basic structure of the LP
Opening---7 petitions----Closing.
****Wager: How do we divide the 7 petitions between Divine and Human
This Commandment tells us to build up and defend others and refrain from speaking poorly of them.
The 8th Commandment/ You shall not Bear false witness
Explain how baptism connects us to Easter!
Death and resurrection
What is the mystery we are invited to believe and celebrate?
Jesus true body and blood are present IN, WITH and UNDER normal bread and wine
What things do we confess we believe in, in 3rd article of the creed?
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sin, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.
Name the 1st 3 petitions
Hallowed Name, Kingdom come & Will be done
This Commandment reminds us to help our neighbors, care for their possessions and not take from them through bad business dealings or other thievery.
The 7th Commandment/You shall not steal
What are 4 reasons people have baptized infants and children?
kids can have faith-Mat 18 Whole families baptized-Act 2:38. Circ was done on 8th day-Luke 4: History of Church has been infant baptism
What gifts are given in communion?
Forgiveness of sins and strength for life and faith