What virtue is highlighted in the story of Jesus asking, "Who do you say I am?"
What does the "alb" represent in a priest's vestments?
What event is celebrated 40 days after Easter?
What does "transubstantiation" describe?
The substance of bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Christ.
What is the meaning of "Chinh Phục"?
To conquer immaturities, weaknesses, and fears.
What does Jesus use to teach humility to his disciples in Mark 9:30-37?
a child
What is another name for the Profession of Faith?
The Creed
Who wrote the Letter to the Colossians?
St. Paul
Why is the Liturgy of the Word important in Mass?
It feeds our soul with the Word of God.
What happened in 1975?
What did Jesus emphasize as the greatest commandment?
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.
What are the two parts of the Sanctus in the Mass?
"Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts" and "Hosanna in the highest."
What did the Holy Spirit do for the apostles at Pentecost?
Relieved their fears and made them bold preachers
What symbolizes God’s covenant with Noah?
a rainbow in the sky
Who started the Eucharistic Crusade?
Fr. Albert Besiere
In Mark 13:24-32, what metaphor does Jesus use to describe the signs of the end times?
The fig tree.
What does the movement of our hands from forehead to chest/stomach signify?
God coming down from heaven to earth
What is the Eucharist a reminder of?
God’s promise and covenant with us.
Why is it important to remain silent while entering Lua Thieng Thanh's setting?
“Jesus told him, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” (Mark 10:52)
Name all articles of belief in The Creed
God the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and the Church
What command did Jesus give to His apostles during the Great Commission?
To teach and baptize people in His name throughout the world.
What virtue(s) did Mary demonstrate in the Annunciation?
Obedience and chastity
What is the most special teaching method that TNTT has to offer?
Living the Eucharist Day