Buddhism and Hinduism
Abrahamic Religions
Empires and Kings
Materials and Techniques

This site is said to safeguard some of the relics of the Buddha's remains

What is Sanchi Stupa, Great Stupa at Sanchi


For Christianity, the four Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote these texts, which make up the so-called New Testament

What are the gospels


What Roman civic architecture was adapted for the first Christian churches, like Old St Peter's 

What is a basilica


The term for the Eastern half of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages refers to the previous name of the city, Byzantium. When it is transformed by Constantine, it is renamed ________________.

What is Constantinople


This type of painting medium uses pigment mixed with egg yolk and water and is used by Cimabue and Giotto in their panel paintings.

What is tempera paint.


This concept in both Buddhism and Hinduism refers to the cycle of rebirth all hope to be released from upon attaining enlightenment

What is samsara


This carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels depicts this Hiberno-Saxon style interlacing in its pattern

What is zoomorphic interlacing


Identify the highlighted portion found on most Romanesque and Gothic portals:

What are archivolts


This announcement, proclaimed by Constantine, created toleration for the practice of Christianity within the Roman empire

What is the Edict of Milan


The material of this sculpture, known for its purple-red appearance, was also associated with imperial patrons.

What is porphyry.


This object embodies the belief of this god's role in the cycle of continual creation and destruction of the world

Who is Shiva


Seen prominently in this image, what symbol ties Justinian to Constantine?

What is the Chi-Rho


Innovations in Gothic architecture made the inclusion of lux nova possible with this characteristic feature of the style.

What is stained glass


This word for Islamic rulers, regarded as successors of Muhammad

What is a caliph



For double points:

These patterns or pictures are made by embedding small pieces of stone or glass--in cement on surfaces such as walls or floors.


What are mosaics


These voluptuous tree spirits guard the way to sacred Buddhist spaces, marking the environment with abundance and divinity

What are yakshi


The Kaaba is the most sacred site in Islam and it is towards this direction all Muslims orient their prayers

What is Mecca (Qibla for extra)


What is the lunette-shaped space above a portal called?

What is the typanum


One of the last equestrian monuments of antiquity, this portrait of Marcus Aurelius survives due to his mistaken identity for this Roman emperor.

Who is Constantine


Pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the freshly laid lime plaster.

What is buon fresco, or good fresco


Which Hindu deity is the main subject of this narrative relief sculpture from the southside of the temple at Deogarh?

Who is Vishnu


The inclusion of the Virgin in the center of the scene reflects the popular belief of her as the __________, or Mother of God

What is the Theotokos


This architectural feature was used to make the dome appear to hover majestically atop a chain of windows

What are pendentives


This text, known as the Coronation Gospels, was created for Charlemagne and subsequently used to crown the leader of this newly established "empire"

What is the Holy Roman Empire


A painting technique in which pigments are mixed with melted wax and applied to the surface while the mixture is hot.

What is encaustic.


Early images of the Buddha were aniconic and included these images of his past lives 

What are jatakas


An almond-shaped background is used to indicate the figure of Christ or another sacred figure

What is a mandorla. 


This architectural feature, a decorative blind arcade, can be found between the nave arcade and clerestory at Chartres Cathedral

What is the triforium


This church served as the burial site of medieval French kings and is considered the birthplace of the Gothic

What is St. Denis


Mesoamerican codices, such as this Aztec example known as the Fejervary-Mayer Codex, was created using thick pieces of deer hide or amate bark which give the books this distinctive shape

What are accordion-like folds


These gateways in the stone fence around a stupa are located at the cardinal points of the compass and depict narratives about the past lives of the Buddha

What are toranas


The period between 726-842 CE when there was an imperial ban on anthropomorphic religious images

What is Iconoclasm


In some mosques,  a screened area such as this can be found in front of the mihrab reserved for a ruler

What is a maqsura


This Biblical narrative initiates the advent of a new religion, where the Angel Gabriel tells the Virgin she will give birth to Christ

What is the Annunciation


Originally understand as booty taken in war but also the re-use of earlier building material or decorative sculpture on new monuments

What are spolia


The Buddha can be identified through a variety of iconographic elements seen here, name just one. 

The halo, urna, elongated earlobes, mudra gestures, and the ushnisha


The Dome of the Rock is said to be where this event occurred==where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven 

What is the Night Journey


Seen here in the vaults of the nave at Chartres Cathedral, this architectural feature adds a framework to strengthen the stability of the arches.

What are ribbed arches


In this Book of Hours, Pucelle uses this method to create sculptural figures in grey tones.

What is grisaille


This term refers to the use of light and shadow to produce the effect of three-dimensional modeling

What is chiaroscuro


These figures, identified through their elaborate clothing and jewelry, have chosen to delay their enlightenment until all others have achieved it

What are bodhisattvas


This semicircular niche is traditionally set into the qiblah wall (prayer wall) of a mosque to orient the direction towards Mecca

What is the mihrab


This architectural innovation, derived from triumphal arches, allowed Romanesque builders to create much taller churches, with thicker walls, and small windows.

What are barrel vaults


Sainte Chapelle, the Rayonnant royal chapel honors this sacred relic brought back to Paris from Constantinople by Louis IX

What are pieces of the crown of thorns


Italian for “day.” The section of plaster that a fresco painter expects to complete in one session.

What are giornate


This aniconic depiction of the god Shiva celebrates the generative creation of male and female aspects of the universe

What is a linga (with yoni)


All three religions have had aniconic representations dominate their visual culture through history, name one aniconic motif for each religion

What Menorahs, Stars, tablets, arc of the Covenant, Torah, Hebrew script for Judaism

Crosses and fish for Christianity

Calligraphy, arabesques (geometric and vegetal)


What architectural space intersects with the nave at St. Sernin?

What is the transept



Byzantine Emperor Justinian, in his efforts to reunite both halves of the Roman Empire, built these two churches in their Eastern and Western capitals.

Name both churches and the cities they were built in

What are Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and San Vitale in Ravenna


In the Arena Chapel, Giotto uses a method which gives the impression of recession in space by visual instinct, not by the use of an overall mathematical system

What is an intuitive perspective
