The frequency in which interest is added/credited to your account.
What is quarterly?
The number of members in the CU.
What is 1900 ?
A streaming media player providing access to a number of TV Stations and online movie houses
Amazon Fire TV Stick
The shape of the Barbados silver dollar
What is a heptagon
Saving toward an educational goal.
What is Tuition Savings?
The year the CU was established.
What is 1986?
A smart speaker powered by Artificial Intelligence created by Amazon
Who is Alexa
This face appears on which paper note
$10 note
The President of the CU.
Who is Sharon Alexander-Gooding?
The wait time period after joining the CU, persons can apply for a loan.
What is 3 months and a day?
Which social media platform would you send a DM
What is Instagram
Whose face appears on the $50note
Sir Errol Barrow
The building location of the CU on campus.
What is the Owen Arthur Research Centre?
The largest loan amout given by the credit union.
What is $500K?
The abbreviation IoT represent
The Internet of Things
The number of coins in Barbados' currency denomination
what is 4
The union's moto.
Not for profit, but for gain.
The total asset of the membership.
What is $75 million?
1 followed by 100 zeros
What is a googol
material/metal used to make the 5 cent coin
What is brass