Demonstrate the Cub Scout Sign
The Scout sign is holding up the index and middle fingers in a V-sign, with the other three fingers folded downward.
Arm should be at shoulder height and bent at a 90-degree angle
What is our pack number?
Which scouting colors are represented by a banquet held each year to celebrate scouting?
Blue and Gold
How many fingers are held up in the Cub Scout sign?
Demonstrate the Scout salute
The Cub Scout salute is the index finger and middle finger extended and pressed together with the other three fingers folded down.
The salute should be either above the brim of a hat or above the eyebrow, if no hat is worn.
In which country was Scouting founded?
What is your den number?
Den 10 - Wolf
Den 11 - Bear
Den 12 - Webelos 1
Den 13 - Webelos 2/Arrow of Light
What grade do you have to be as a wolf?
Second grade
What does the Cub Scout handshake mean?
The Cub Scout handshake is a reminder that scouts will help others to remember and obey the Scout Law
Demonstrate the Cub Scout Handshake.
The Cub Scout handshake is a normal handshake with the index and middle fingers extended. These two fingers should touch the wrist of the other person.
What is the name of our Girls' Dens' Leader?
Akela Kim Ragavan
What grade do you have to be as a Bear?
third grade
When do scouts use the Cub Scout salute?
1) Salute the flag when in uniform, otherwise, place hand over heart
2) Salute when greeting other scouts
Say the Scout Oath/Promise
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight
Who is the Bear Assistant Den Leader?
Akela Rohini Naik
What is the first Cub Scout rank (i.e., the youngest)?
Explain what the two fingers in the Cub Scout sign represent.
The two fingers of the Cub Scout sign represent:
1) Scout Oath/Promise
2) Scout Law
Say the Scout Law.
A Scout is:
What was the original name for the Cub Scout program? Cubbing, Wolfing, or WeBeLoing?
Who is our Cubmaster?
Akela Rajesh Annapillai
What is the highest honor a Cub Scout can earn?
Arrow of Light
What does the Cub Scout motto mean?
Do Your Best means trying your hardest, not just a little bit. Do your best ...