How many ranks are there in Cub Scouting?
Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light
Who was the founder of scouting? Sir Baden _____.
What is our Cub Master's name?
Terry Hoffmann
What colors are represented by the banquet held every year to celebrate scouting?
Blue and Gold
What is the new name of the Boys Scouts of America as of February 8,2025?
Scouting America
Who does a Cub Scout follow?
What book by Rudyard Kipling was the basis for scouting?
The Jungle Book
When are the Pack Meetings scheduled for in Pack 538?
3rd Tuesday of every month(or close)
What year was Pack 538 first chartered by St. Rose Church? 1968 or 2018
What is the name of our Council?
Middle Tennessee Council
What does WeBeLos stand for?
We Be Loyal Scouts
In what year was Cub Scouting formally launched in the United States? In 1920, 1930, or 1940?
What are the adults called that teach in a den?
Den Leaders
What grade levels are included in Cub Scouting?
Kindergarten through fifth grade
What Scouting district is Pack 538 a part of?
Trail of Tears District
How many fingers are held up for the Cub Scout sign?
What event, first held in 1953, is where scouts race cars they build on their own down a wooden track?
The Pinewood Derby
What ranks are the only ones allowed to go Den Camping without the Pack?
Webelos and Arrow of Light
Who earns bobcat rank?
What is the Scout Oath?
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the scout law to help other people at al times to keep myself physically strong and mentally awake
What is the Cub Scout Motto?
Do Your Best
What was the only position women could hold in Cub Scouting until 1967
Den Mother
What is our pack number?
In what country did Scouting formally start?
What are the 12 values of Scouting in the Scout Law?
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent