This is the Cub Scout Motto.
What is Do Your Best?
This is the first rank in Cub Scouts.
What is a Lion Scout?
Pinewood Derby Cars are made out of what kind of wood?
What is Pine?
What is the name of the Cub Master for Pack 78?
Who is Cody Hendershot?
This is the largest state in America
What is Alaska?
If you are careful with your money, you are...
What is thrifty?
The highest rank in Scouts is called...
What is an Eagle Scout?
Your car can't be more than this much in weight?
What is 5 ounces?
Before our den meetings begin, we start by reciting this...
What is the Pledge of Allegiance?
This is the Shafer Elementary School Motto
This is the third attribute in the scout law.
What is Helpful?
Webelos is a Cub Scout acronym? What does it stand for?
What is "WE'll BE LOyal Scouts?
How many lanes are on the Pack 78 Pinewood Derby race track?
What is 3?
Pack 78 has this many Scouts that are members of the pack.
What is 26?
The Shafer Elementary School Mascot is this..
What is a Road Runner?
A scout who is happy and positive is...
What is Cheerful?
What is the name of the annual celebration where we recognize our Scouts and Leaders?
What is the Blue and Gold Banquet?
The Pinewood Derby became an officially recognized part of the Cub Scout program in this year.
What is 1955?
This is the largest Den in Pack 78
What is Lions? (They have 8 Scouts)
This is where we have our Den and Pack Meetings.
Schoeneck Moravian Church