Cuban history
Cuban American Writers
Themes in Cuban-American literature
Cuban revolution
Famous works

While this island republic separated from Spain in 1902, until the 1959 revolution, it was nevertheless greatly influenced by the United States.

What is Cuba?


This Cuban-American author wrote Dreaming in Cuban, which explores themes of exile and family history.

Christina Garcia 


Many Cuban-American novels focus on this feeling of being disconnected from both one’s homeland and adopted country.

What is exile?


This Argentine revolutionary was a key figure in Cuba’s revolution and later attempted to spread Marxist revolutions elsewhere.

 Who is Che Guevara?


This novel by Cristina García follows three generations of Cuban women as they navigate the effects of the revolution.

What is the novel “dreaming“


The battle of 1898 between Spain and the United States led to Cuba's freedom.

What is the Spanish-American war?


This author’s memoir, Waiting for Snow in Havana, recounts his childhood in Cuba before the revolution and his exile to the U.S.

Carlos Eire 


A common theme of Cuban-American literature is based off the common struggles and obstacles that formed Cubans in the past.

theme of identity


Led the Cuban revolution against Fulgencio Batista, due to the lack justice during his regime.

Who was Fidel Castro?


This protagonist in Oscar Hijuelos’ The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love is a Cuban immigrant who rises to fame in the 1950s Latin music scene in New York.

Who was Cesar castillo


This phrase refers to the economic blockade that the United States imposed on Cuba following Fidel Castro's ascent to power..

What is the Cuban embargo 


Known for The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love, this Cuban-American novelist won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1990.

Oscar Hijuelos


The recurring theme of generational conflict in Cuban-American literature often highlights this struggle between parents born in Cuba and their American-born children.

What is cultural identity or assimilation 


This movement, led by Fidel Castro, is responsible for the revolutionary overthrow of Cuba's government in 1959.

26th of July movement


This Cuban-American poet’s work focuses on Afro-Cuban identity, music, and spirituality, often drawing on her own experiences.

Who is Lourdes Casal?


Supported by the United States, Cuban exiles attempted to topple Fidel Castro's government in this abortive 1961 invasion..

What is the bay of pigs?


This Cuban-American poet and essayist, author of Blessing the Boats, often writes about cultural identity and the immigrant experience.

Ana Menendez


In Cuban-American literature, this term refers to the act of remembering or reconstructing the homeland in the mind of an exile.

What is nostalgia as a motif in Cuban American literature?


This period of economic hardship in Cuba, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, deeply affected Cuban society and is often referenced in Cuban-American literature.

What is the special period?


This memoir by Reinaldo Arenas chronicles his persecution as a writer and homosexual in post-revolutionary Cuba.

what is the novel “before the night falls”

The United States was able to keep control of Guantánamo Bay and interfere in Cuban affairs because to this 1901 amendment.

What is the platt amendment?


Her autobiographical novels, like The Agüero Sisters, explore complex family dynamics, exile, and identity.

Christina Garcia 


Cuban-American authors often explore this psychological conflict faced by immigrants, who must balance their dual identities.

what is biculturalism?

City in the United  states that many Cubans fled to and is a center of influence for Cuban American culture.

What is Miami?


In this novel, The Aguero Sisters, the two sisters represent different aspects of the Cuban exile experience: one remains in Cuba, while the other lives in the U.S.

Who were the Aguero sisters?
