What is the believe of an Atheist?
There is no God
What is the cults main claim?
That they are descendants of Israelites
This person is the founder of Islam
Rationalism is a very old idea, being found in
Plato and philosophers
What does the word Pantheism mean
All is God
Who began a Bible study group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the early 1870’s
Charles Taze Russell
The founder
Joseph Smith
The name of a philosophy that is associated with atheism.
Who were the two individuals credited with starting the movement?
Frank Cherry and William Saunders Crowdy
It was founded near what city?
When was the age of enlightenment?
The mid 1600’s to the late 1700’s
What is the most well known form of Pantheism
He said the time of the Gentiles would be over and who would return on Oct 1, 1914
Who first appeared to Smith?
God the Father and God the Son
What should the order of the universe tell us?
That there is a designer
What direction do they pray?
The East
According to Muslim tradition, who visited Muhammad
The angel Gabriel
Most Enlightenment leaders saw the church—especially the Roman Catholic Church—as what?
The principal force that had enslaved the human mind in the past.
It asserts that God is not
They are insistent that God should be known by His real name?
What two migrations stories does it tell about?
The first group traveled from the tower of Babel to Central America, but later all perished. The second group, including Lehi (a Jewish prophet) and his family, migrated to South America and prospered.
Science states that any effect must have
A cause
Frank Cherry started his church in what city?
Their main book of teachings called what?
The Qur'an
Most Enlightenment thinkers did not renounce religion altogether but opted for
A form of Deism
Pantheism cannot distinguish good
from evil
What is the name of one of the two publications?
Watchtower or Awake! magazines
Name three strange Mormon practices
baptism for the dead; holy underwear; polygamy, eternal marriage; the ability of humans to become gods; the Trinity as three separate Gods
Scripture in Ps 14:1 and Rom 1:28 tells us that atheist are
Find and read the groups key verse
Deuteronomy 28:68
What did the founder says its mission was?
To restore the worship of the One True God
It stresses the ability of the human mind to
know things
9% believe of US adults believe that what are a reliable base for life decisions
Tarot Cards
How many people do they believe will go to heaven?
What is the highest progression in the Mormon cult?