She wrote the ethnography "Coming of Age in Samoa".
Margaret Mead
The in depth study of everyday practices and lives of people. A detailed description of a culture.
This describes what you should and should not do as a researcher.
Code of Ethics
Interaction between people and place, and spatial interaction with cultural practices
Social Map
Early idea that we must gather as much information on dying or disappearing cultures.
Salvage Ethnography
Going to the “wherever people are", to gather data on their way of being/living
Descriptions of behaviors and beliefs from the perspective of the studied culture (insider).
This relies on a certain set of questions but allow the conversation to flow between participants
N!ai was from this cultural group
!Kung San
The anthropologist observes while engaging in the same activities as their informants.
Participant Observation
Documenting for science without judgement.
A discussion among a group of selected individuals about a particular topic
Focus Group
A research method using your own lived experience to explore cultural phenomena
These are used to describe what an anthropologist is observing.
Integrates qualitative and quantitative evidence for comprehensive analysis
Collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions.
Ethnographic approach studying our own cultures, diasporas, and societal issues
Post-modern ethnography
Research to advocate for people groups or issues
Scientific approach not just testing or proving a hypothesis but interpreting the findings of a culture
We watched a video of Social Mapping done in this store.