Muslims spread the Chinese craft of papermaking to Europe. This is an example of what?
Cultural Diffusion
What nickname did people call the capital of present day Iraq?
The round city.
Plato and Aristotle were European__________.
The evolution of animals.
What was a result of paper making in the Muslim world?
The growth of Arab literature.
This is the word for clothing and other items made from fabric.
This city was known for its outstanding university.
What is Cairo?
This machine raised water from rivers and canals into aqueducts.
What is a waterwheel?
Why are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 called Arabic numerals?
Because of how they're written.
The name of the type of design which took its beauty from the natural world.
What is Arabesque design?
A minbar is used to do what?
It is where the imam gives a sermon.
He was Islam's most famous philosopher.
Ibn Sina
Medieval Muslims adapted and improved the astrolabe to use for what?
Which group received treatment in Muslim hospitals?
Cultural and ethnic group which contributed to Medieval Islamic Culture.
What are Arabs, Turks, or Persians?
How many people did it take to build Baghdad?
How did Muslims contribute to European knowledge of Plato and Aristotle?
They preserved and translated Greek texts.
Muslim scholars learned how to make medicines and even stitches from ______________?
Animal parts
This important digit came from India and Muslims incorporated it into Arabic numbers. It's not nothing to sneeze about.
What is zero?
European pilgrims and Muslim pilgrims were called pilgrims because they visited_____________?
Holy sites
The traditional call to prayer is made in this tower.
The minaret.
Where was Europe's first conservatory or music school established?
Cordoba, Spain
Why was Ibn Sina called the "prince of physicians"?
He wrote a widely used textbook.
The title of the most famous collection of Muslim stories.
What is The Arabian Nights or A Thousand and One Nights.
He calls people to prayer.
A muezzin.
The Muslim capital in Spain.
The name of the book which provided maps and descriptions of the major Muslim trade routes.
What is the Book of Roads and Provinces?