In Russia, sitting at the corner of a table means ....
you won’t get married for seven years.
In Sudan, if your right palm itches ....
you’ll receive money
what is the nationality of Justin Bieber?
In which country we can find this type of dance: Flamenco
In which culture we'll find Matryoshka Dolls?
In Philippines, sweeping the house at night sweeps away ......
wealth and good fortune.
In South Africa, if it rains on your wedding day .....
it’s a sign of a happy and prosperous marriage.
Nationality of Elon Musk?
South African
In which country we can find this type of dance: Kabuki
In which culture we'll find Kimono?
In Russia, if you accidentally sit between two people with the same name ......
you can make a wish—it’s supposed to come true!
In Ukraine, if you see a spider in the morning, it brings (1)....... , but seeing one in the evening is a sign of (2).......
1)bad luck
2)good fortune
What is the nationality of Albert Einstein?
In which country we can find this type of dance: Tango
Argentina or Uruguay
In which culture we'll find Boomerang?
In Nigeria, if you hit your foot against a stone while walking, it's a sign of ...........
an upcoming journey.
In Germany, if you say “Happy Birthday” before the actual day, .......
it brings bad luck.
Nationality of Arnold Schwarzenegger?
In which country we can find this type of dance: Salsa
Cuba or Puerto Rico
In which culture we'll find Panama Hat?
In Egypt, if you spill coffee, it’s actually a sign of ........
good luck and prosperity.
In Chile, if your shoe comes untied while walking .......
someone is thinking about you.
Nationality of Adolf Hitler?
In which country we can find this type of dance: Dragon Dance
In which culture we'll find Chopsticks?
China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam