Misc 1
Latinxs Immigration to Spain
"Ethnic Affinity"
Afro-Latinxs in Spain
Misc 2

The dominance of a group, positioning them and their culture as the standard, norm from which everyone else deviates

What is Hegemony?


This economic sector saw high employment of Latin American women immigrants in Spain starting in the 1990s.

What is domestic work/service?


A willingness to do jobs that the natives are not doing

A good immigrant


The murder of this Dominican woman in 1992 is discussed as a significant event in the history of racism in Spain

Who is Lucrecia Perez?


The name of Spain's alt-right political party

What is Vox?


The evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture

What is ethnocentrism?


This South American country saw a massive exodus to Spain in the early 2000s, becoming the largest Latin American immigrant group.

What is Ecuador?


People who may have never set foot in Spain and have another nationality represents a claim on them by virtue of history and familial ties

What is 'emigrant returnee'?


This theoretical framework, which understands the migrant's condition as a sociocultural construct, is used by the authors to analyze the experiences of Afro-Latin Americans in Spain.

What is post-colonial studies?


Refers to the enduring patterns of power, knowledge, and social relations from colonialism and continue to shape global dynamics even after the formal end of colonial rule.

What is coloniality

It suggests that colonialism doesn't just impact political or economic systems, but fundamentally alters how colonized people experience and understand their own humanity.

What is coloniality of Being?

The geographic and cultural region in the southernmost part of South America 

What is the southern cone?


This Spanish region implemented policies favoring the return of emigrants or their descendants, referred to as "retornados

What is Galicia?


The authors argue that this labor market characteristic, rather than cultural compatibility, makes Latin American immigrants desirable to Spanish employers.

What is exploitability?


The name we give to a certain kind of ‘learning’, which gives us insight into the inner landscapes of how other people live their lives, how they experience and dream their worlds; how they try to resolve the contradictory realities of belongingness; and how they, in turn – disturbingly – see into ours

What is Cultural Diversity


Metaphor referring to the invisible boundaries that shape our social world, much like how skin forms the boundary of our physical bodies

What is the Skin of the Social?

This practice, both formal and informal, helped Latin American migrants in Spain access work and achieve social promotion, often focusing on improving individual employment opportunities rather than organized resistance to job insecurity.

What is associationism?


This term describes jobs that are dirty, dangerous, and difficult, often filled by immigrant workers.

What are 3D jobs?


This sociological concept, central to the article's argument, describes the condition of Black people existing outside of civil society, lacking the social and political recognition afforded to those considered fully "human" within a society. 

What is social death?


This controls what is considered valid knowledge in society

What is discourse?


The name of my new publication that is a play on words on Fanon's work

What is "Cuerpos Negros, Espacios Blancos" (Black bodies, White Space")?


The lack of this domestic change, along with insufficient social policies, led to a demand for Latin American women as domestic workers in Spain when spanish women were incorporated into the workforce.

What is the redefinition of gender roles in relation to household tasks?


This sociological concept mentioned in the article refers to employers' tendency to hire the same type of people they hired in the past.

What is categorical recruitment?


This theoretical perspective, which the authors align themselves with, focuses on the structure of anti-blackness rather than advocating for inclusion and recognition.

What is Afro-pessimism?


Concept referring to when certain bodies don’t have an undisputed right to occupy this space. Yet they are still insiders. Their arrival brings into clear relief what has been able to pass as the invisible, unmarked.

Somatic norm
