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Through the Worldview Glass
Branches and Themes of Geography
Historical Figures and Concepts in Geography
Note Place Like Home

This principle teaches that every person is unique and created in God's image, with a distinct purpose. It highlights that God's design for humanity is to exhibit unique traits that reflect His character, such as creativity.

What is God's Principle of Individuality?


This command from God instructs humanity to exercise dominion over the earth, as seen in Genesis 1:26.

What is the Creation Mandate?


This branch of geography focuses on the Earth’s natural features, including landforms, climates, and resources.

What is Physical Geography?


Nicolaus Copernicus argued for this model of the universe, which placed the sun at its center.

What is the heliocentric theory?


This visual note-taking technique uses branches and diagrams to connect ideas, showing relationships between concepts.

What is Mind-Mapping?


This principle emphasizes the importance of individuals governing themselves according to God's law, reflecting His image in personal responsibility and decision-making.

What is the Principle of Self-Government?


This event led to the introduction of sin, affecting both culture and the physical world according to the Bible.

What is the Fall?


This is a map that you make in your mind and how you relate different places to each other.

What is a Mental Map?


This Greek philosopher developed a grid system that helped improve the accuracy of maps.

Who is Hipparchus?


This note-taking method divides the page into two columns: a narrow one for cues or keywords, and a wider one for detailed notes, with a summary section at the bottom.

What is the Cornell Method?


According to this principle, individuals who follow Biblical truth develop virtues such as integrity, humility, and faithfulness, forming the basis of godly leadership.

What is the Principle of Christian Character?


Christians are called to manage and care for the earth responsibly, contrasting with this environmental perspective that limits human control.

What is environmentalism?


This approach to studying geography examines a specific branch in detail, such as human or physical geography.

What is systematic geography?


This Roman geographer promoted the geocentric theory, stating that the Earth is the center of the universe.

Who is Ptolemy?


This note-taking method organizes information hierarchically, with main topics on the left and subtopics indented underneath them.

What is the Outline Method?


A student asked to use the bathroom three times during class and missed several key points of the lecture, which resulted in that student failing the test for not properly practicing this principle.

What is Self-Government?


This biblical directive encourages Christians to evangelize and disciple all nations, as found in Matthew 28:18–20.

What is the Great Commission?


This type of geography looks at a specific area or region of the world to understand its unique characteristics.

What is regional geography?


This Greek mathematician is known as the first geographer and calculated the Earth’s circumference.

Who is Eratosthenes?


This poor note-taking practice involves writing down every word the teacher says without summarizing or organizing the information.

What is verbatim note-taking?


A student failed to follow this principle when he/she called another student "stupid" for taking a different style of notes than others.

What is God's Principle of Individuality?


This belief holds that all cultures have inherent value, but Christians must also recognize their imperfections due to sin.

What is multiculturalism?


This term refers to the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the equator?


This Flemish mapmaker created a projection in 1569 that became a standard for navigation.

Who is Gerhardus Mercator?


This practice involves fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what is being said, ensuring effective communication and comprehension. It is difficult to do if you are writing everything verbatim.

What is active listening?
