A way to combat gender inequality
What is empowering women small holders?
Education in underdeveloped countries
What is the lack of hygiene and sanitation facilities and gender roles?
Type of countries facing the most gender inequality
What are underdeveloped countries with traditions engrained?
Percentage of women unemployment
What is 20%
Nadine Gibbons
Who is an official clerk in a manufacturing company who got fired
A way to combat gender inequality that would also boost economic growth
What is investing in care service?
Comparison of women enrollment in primary schools in low income countries and world average
What is 77% low-income and 88% global average?
Reasons for undeveloped countries with the most gender gaps
What is less access to education and healthcare with cultural norms and traditional gender roles?
Boosting GDP annually and keep it stable
What are the effects of smaller gender gaps?
Reasons for firing Liz Parks
Who is a physicist who "had too long nails, clothes, and purse"
UN sustainable goal can empowering women smallholders achieve
What is Zero hunger?
Comparison of women's enrollment in secondary school in low-income countries and globally
What is 33% of low-income countries and 66% globally?
Percentage of Indians who believe men should receive job preference
What is 55%?
3 Examples of challenges women face in the work environment
What are
Pregnancy discrimination
Gender pay gap
Sexual harassment
Career advancement
Overlooked due to their gender
Policy discretion
What are unfair ways to fire women based on gender and cultural backgrounds
The Food and Agriculture Organization Project results
What is an increase of 20 to 30 % in farm yields due to women's access to productive resources?
Cultural Stereotypes Effects on Education
What are low-income/underdeveloped countries having traditional and conservative values and restricting some girls from their education?
3 quarters of Indian Muslims believe that men should have the primary responsibility for what tradition
What are burial rituals?
Money for every dollar earned by women
What are 77 cents?
Policies used to discriminate women
What is discretionary enforcement & Selective application?