Popular Culture
Folk vs Pop
Define distance decay

The principle that states that things get farther away from the hearth, they become less relevant; less interaction happens. 


What's the difference between a habit and a custom?

A habit is the repeated action of 1 person.

A custom is the repeated action of a group.


What is the largest indicator of the diffusion of popular culture?

Blue jeans


How are food preferences in folk and pop culture different?

In folk culture they eat the food they can produce locally whereas people in popular culture eat most of the same food, despite location. (We eat bananas in Utah even though they aren't grown there)


How have women been helped by the spread of popular culture?

Women have gained more rights. They aren't forced into the positions they were previously confined to. 


Time-space compression

Advances in technology and transportation lead to more interactions between entities even though the distance hasn't changed. 

What is folk culture and how does spread?

A culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogenous, rural froup living in relative isolation from other groups. 

It spreads through migration.


What influences clothing style in popular culture?



How is Amish culture different from the US's pop culture?

The Amish recounce mechanical and electrical power, whereas popular culture centers around new technology which is made possible by mechanical and electrical power. 


How have women been hurt by the spread of popular culture?

In India, the dowry custom has been reversed and women have been killed. 


Define assimilation

People of a given minority culture are adopted into a majority culture. 

Ex: a teenager abandons the folk music his family lostens to and submerges himself into modern pop music. 


What is pop culture and how does spread?

Culture found in a large, heterogenous society that shares habits despite other differences in characteristics. It incorporates traits that diffuse quickly to a wide variety of places. 

It spreads through hierarchial diffusion.


The diffusion of popular culture depends on a group of people having a sufficiently high level of _____ ____ to acquire the _____ _____ associated with the popular culture.

economic development

material possessions


How is clothing in popular culture different from in folk culture?

Clothing in popular culture is influenced by current trends while clothing folk culture is influenced more by climate and available resources.


Define maladaptive diffusion

When some trend or habit comes in that doesn't make sense.

Ex: Blue jeans in the summer 

Cool Runnings (Jamaican bobsled team)


Define acculturation

Two cultures experience changes because they meet and share ideas.

Ex: Immigrantts to America learn American customs and become Americans, but still can retain their own cultures. 


Cultural homogenity/uniform landscape

Cultural sameness. Areas look similar. This is forced by people spreading popular culture. Generates product recognition and greater consumption for businesses. 

Ex: McDonalds looks that same wherever you go.


How is popular culture bad for the environment? (2)

1. Depletes natural resources- high demand without enough restraints on consumption.

2. Pollutes the landscape- pop culture creates a lot of waste and makes changes to the environment (golf courses)


Why do developing nations view television as a new source of cultural imperialism?

Television promotes American cultural values. These themes may conflict with and drive out traditional social customs.


What are the types of culture regions? (3)

Formal (uniform)- an area with at least 1 similar physical or cultural trait that unifies it (France, China)

Functional (nodal)- an area with certain polical, economic, or social activity that unifies it. *must contain a node (center of activity)

 Perceptual (vernacular)- an area defined by a person's beliefs or feelings (ex: the American South)


Define syncretism

The blending of beliefs and practices as a result of contanct between different cultures. 

Ex: Panda Express

Define sequent occupance

Layers of culture formed when people of many cultures occupy the land at different times in history. 

Ex: Native Americans-British-Americans


What are 2 food products are a characteristic of popular culture and how are these preferences expressed regionally?

Alcoholc beverages and snack foods.

The Northern US eats more chips and popcorn because corn and potatoes are grown there. 


Despite their folk origins, what characteristics of organized spectator sports today characterize them as popular culture?

People around the world are willing to pay to watch any of the sports. 


What three countries dominate the world television market?

The US, Japan, the UK
