what are the 4 main elements in adventure time
slime, candy, ice, fire
what was the chicken resturaunt called in breaking bad
los pollos hermanos
what game has cherrys, a yellow circle, and ghost
what is rod waves real name
rodarius green
where is king von from
o block
what is the name of the pyramid in gravity falls
bill cypher
what was the first rule of fight club
never talk about fight club
what is the name of the base car is rocket league
who is sexyredd's baby mama
what is drakes son's name
what is the name of dr doofenshmirtz daughter
who is the actor for "po" in kung fu panda
jack black
what is the name of the small ghost with a sword found in woodland mansions
a vex
what sport did bob marley frequently play
how many grammys does taylor swift have
what is the name of the sister in drake & josh
what is the name of the tall russian that killed adonis creed
ivan drago
what was the card game played in adventure time called
card wars
what is the name of the actor for "rocky"
sylvester stallone
how many grammys does kanye have
what is the name of the dad in "lab rats"
dave davinport
what is the saying that the woody toy makes when you use him
"theres a snake in my boot"
what game includes tracer, winston, widowmaker, and bastion
what youtube channel beat pewdiepie to 100 million subscribers
what city was rod wave born in
tampa, florida