What province has oceans in in both side?
When was the independence day of Panama?
November 28th 1821
What Panamanian author wrote the song "Patria"
Rubén Blades
What's is the major festival celebrated in Central Provinces during four days?
How is called the Panamanian chicken soup?
Where is located the Baru Volcano?
When was the separation day of Panama from colombia?
November 3rd 1903
What is the name of the Panamanian music?
Typical music
What's is the most important activity celebrated in David?
The international Fair of San Jose de David
What's is the typical food offered in most parties in Panama?
Rice with chicken
Name the mayor product Bocas del Toro Produces
Who gave the first cry of independence and when?
Rufina Alfaro on November 10th 1821
What's the name of the two salsa singer brothers?
Ricardo and Alberto Gaitán
Whats is the name of the national dress of Panamá?
The Pollera
What traditional food is made with yucca?
In which province is located the 8th wonder of the modern world?
When was inaugurated the Panama Canal?
On August 14th 1914
In which famous tv program the Sandoval brothers introduced the song" the gallina fina" in an international level?
Sábado Gigante with Don Francisco
What's the name of the decorarions women use in the head with the Pollera?
The Tembleques
What famous food is made with pork, lemon and some more condiments?
Which province has the major forest?
What's the name of the first ship that crossed the Panama Canal?
Vapor Ancon
Which Panamanian singer is known as the Tigre de la Candelaria?
Victorio Vergara
What's is the name of the accessories men use with their typical dress?
The hat and the chácara
What is the name of that delicuous food made with corn, chicken or pork wrapped in big leaves?