Which country
Where are you negotiating?
Fundamentals of negotiation
Tips to improve cross-cultural negotiations

The social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.

What is culture?


Enter the room in hierarchical order. The person of the highest seniority will enter the room first and the rest will follow in order. 

What is China


Speaking too loudly or forcefully in this country can be perceived as aggressive or rude. Conversations are usually polite and respectful, with a strong emphasis on maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontation.

What is India?


Before entering a negotiation, always learn about the other party. If there are cultural differences, pay special attention. Research common negotiation practices, communication preferences, and unwritten rules.

What is, do your homework?


To be effective in cross-cultural negotiation in global business, it is essential to do this to learn about their culture.  

What is research?


Shared expectations and rules that guide behavior of people within social groups. They are learned and reinforced from parents, friends, teachers and others while growing up in a society.

What are cultural norms?


Bowing is a typical way of greeting each other. Handshakes sometimes occur, but you should not initiate it.

What is Japan?


The communication style in this country is typically direct and expressive. Business culture tends to be fast-paced and results-oriented, with an emphasis on clear, concise messaging.

What is the United States?


In some cultures, indirect communication is the norm, while others value straightforwardness. Tailoring your approach to match the cultural expectations of the other party shows respect and builds rapport.

What is, adapt your style?


This is often built on personal relationships, respect, and shared values. To establish this, you should take the time to get to know the other party, show interest in their culture and background, and demonstrate a willingness to work together towards a mutually beneficial outcome.

What is trust?


Attitudes about the world which can be either true or false.

What are beliefs?


Avoid eating meat at business meetings if everyone else is ordering vegetarian meals. In this country many people do not eat pork or beef for religious reasons. 

What is India?


In this country, physical contact like a handshake, a pat on the shoulder, or even a hug can be a sign of trust and friendship. Relationship-building often precedes formal negotiations.

What is Mexico?


Body language, facial expressions, and gestures often say more than words can. For example, in many Asian cultures, prolonged silence can signal deep consideration rather than hesitation or disinterest. Understanding these subtleties helps bridge gaps and create smoother interactions.

What is be aware of non-verbal cues?


This can be a significant barrier to effective cross-cultural negotiation in global business. It is essential to avoid believing these. Instead, approach the negotiation with an open mind and a willingness to learn about the other party's culture.

What are stereotypes?


A cultural idea that describes a regular, patterned behavior that is considered characteristic of life in a social system.

What are customs?


It is vital to make appointments for both business and social occasions. In this country it is not acceptable to drop in on someone unannounced.

What is France?


Communication tends to be reserved and indirect. Silence is often used strategically to convey thoughtfulness and consideration. Quick responses or overly assertive behavior may be seen as disrespectful.

What is Japan?


Negotiating across cultures often requires patience and adaptability. What works in one cultural setting may not work in another. This ability allows you to pivot when needed and stay open to different ways of doing things.

What is being flexible?


This type of communication, such as body language and tone of voice, can differ significantly between cultures. It is essential to recognize and interpret these cues correctly during cross-cultural negotiations.

What is nonverbal?


Underlie preferences, guide choices, and indicate what is worthwhile in life. They help define the character of a culture, but they usually do not provide a specific course of action.

What are values?


In this country they do not prioritize punctuality, so be patient and prepare for any delays that may arise. Do not take a small delay as a sign of disrespect. When a deadline must be firmly met, make it very clear to your partner.

What is Italy?


In this country they like to conceal their fallback position as long as possible and use charm, humor and understatement in order to enforce their interests – in other words without confrontation, but in an equally target-orientated manner.

What is Great Britain?


In certain cultures, like those in Asia or the Middle East, respect for this type of order plays a significant role in negotiations. Decision-making may be more top-down, so understanding who holds the real decision-making power is key.

What is hierarchy?


Cross-cultural negotiations should aim to create this type of scenarios, where both parties benefit from the agreement.  

What is win-win?
