Salaryman, geisha, samurai.
Japanese stereotype
What is the american word for "Taxi"?
What is the british word for highway?
"You always __________eye contact when you first meet someone."
a) avoid b) bow c) seek
a) avoid
The biggest animal in the world?
The Blue whale
Gentleman, tea-drinker, aristocrat.
What is the american word for "Biscuit"?
What is the british word for can?
When you meet someone, you _______ bow a little to say 'hello' politely.
a) avoid b) bow c) seek
b) bow
What is the number of states in the U.S.?
Cowboy, consumer, patriot.
American stereotype
What is the american word for "Sweet"?
What is the british word for elevator?
In Asia, you usually eat with _________.
a) spoons b) gestures c) chopsticks
c) chopsticks
What is the approximate population of China?
1.4 billion people
Gourmet, artist, cheese, fashionista.
French stereotype
What is the american word for "Autumn"?
What is the british word for gas?
Lisa carefully placed her new earrings on her _____, adding a touch of sparkle to her outfit.
a) palms b) earlobes c) arms
b) earlobes
How many stomachs does a cow have?
4 stomachs
Guru, curry chef, IT professional.
Indian stereotype
What is the american word for "Rubber"?
What is the british word for corn?
You really dislike being touched by _______.
a) strangers b) strange c) strangely
a) strangers
What is the name of the British primeminister?
Rishi Sunak