I does Folk culture spread? /fast or slow/
Folk spreads slower and orally.
What language does France speak?
How does Diffusion happen through pop culture?
Though social media
What does it mean to be bilingual or multilingual?
to know more than one language.
What language does Spain speak?
Where does Pop spread too?
What branch does Spanish come from?
Through people and cultures
What are the three largest universalizing religions?
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism
Whats a taboo?
A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom.
Is Pop culture Heterogeneous?
Yes many different people can enjoy Pop culture.
What branch does English come from?
West Germanic
What is the Definition of Diffusion?
A innovation that prigantates and spreads from one place to another.
What are the three worlds largest ethnic religions?
Hinduism, Judaism, Animism
What is Isogloss?
What is the definition of Pop Culture?
It is found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain customs despite differences in other personal characteristics.
What tree does English come from?
What is Distribution?
How things are split up.
What is Ethnic religion?
A religion with relatively concentration of an ethnic group that are distinct from those in the surrounding area.
How many followers does Islam have?
1.5 billion
What is the definition of Folk Culture?
Traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogeneous group living in relative isolation from other.
What is Dialect?
A regional variety of a language.
How can laugurege be spread as a result of military conquest or war fare.
If you go to fight a war in a different county you need to talk to the people there.
What is Universalizing religion?
A religion that attempts to appeal to all people.
What is Material culture?
It is the necessities of life; clothing, food and shelter