New Oxford Football’s winningest class
Graduate Class of 23’ Baby
A movie where after a long night drinking in Las Vegas a friend out of a group of four goes missing.
The Hangover
Mrs Hess’ beautiful daughter
Marly Hess
Chloe Herring O/U 9/10
An annoying senior girl who used to live next to Riley Killen
Jalia Watson
The three division champs in New Oxford History
02’ , 20’ , 22’
The grotesque horror movie sequel featuring Art The Clown
Terrifier 2
Her last name is an alcoholic beverage and her first name is the same as a Cohee’s
Madison Beer
Brooklyn Hodges O/U 9/10
His initials are D.F. and he is so big he even outmatches Caden in weight.
Dolan Feeser
Justin Floyd’s Jersey number in his brief stint as a Middle Linebacker
This movie came up with an incredible marketing strategy by hiring actors to look visibly disturbing in crowds at sports games
LSU’s most famous gymnast
Ally Gass O/U 4/10
The little sister of artsy senior Aryanna Giuffrida
Lilah Giuffrida
Double Jeopardy!
New Oxford football’s first ever NFL Talent?
Chris Arendt
In this movie, protagonists claim that midgets are like “lawn darts” and “Are built to be thrown”
Wolf Of Wall Street
She is an ex girlfriend of someone in this room and her last name is a vehicle.
Sami Hummer
Hannah Conniff O/U 6/10
Double Jeopardy!
The girl we first tried to hook Gavin up with in eighth grade at a Southwest Football game
Erik Harris’ college football team and his Canadian football team he played for before entering the NFL
California (PA) and the Hamilton Tiger Cats
#1 Ranked Movie On IMDB
The Shawshank Redemption
The predecessor to Mallory Hormel after her and Carson Heeney’s breakup, who graduated a year early.
Alexis Barnhart
Alexica Nieves rated by Caden (Exact Answer)
A renowned drug dealer from the graduate class of 2020, he lived near tropical treat and was decent friends with Seth Hawkins and Erik Johnson.
Liam Schmidt