
In which two hemispheres is Georgia located?

What are Nothern and Western hemispheres?


A change that was made to the U.S. Constitution that made slavery illegal in all states was

What is the 13th amendment?


The first college to be created by a state government 

What is The University of Georgia?


England began to ____ the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War, and this made many colonists very angry

What is tax


The Founder of Gerogia was ______ __________________

Who is James Ogelthorpe?


The state of Georgia is located in the _______________________ region of the country.

What is southeastern?


The American Revolution was fought between the ___________ _________ and ____________

What are the English Colonist and England?

The first city in Georgia was

What is Savannah


This was the result of the Confederate States of America seceeding from the Union

What is the Civil War?


A Muscogee/Creek Indian chief who had a Scottish father and Creek mother, he was first cousins with Georgia’s governor and was related to several other important Georgia families. This gave him political power and influenced him to support the United States

Who is William McInthosh?


What region has the highest population?

What is Piedmont?


An organization established by Congress in 1865 to help freed slaves and poor Whites in the South was

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


Located in the southwest part of the state, it was the site of one of the most notorious prisoner of war camps during the Civil War. Officially known as Camp Sumter, it kept Union prisoners of war in horrible conditions.  Overcrowding, disease, and a lack of provisions led to the deaths of thousands of Union soldiers. The site is infamous for its high mortality rate and is a symbol of the suffering endured by prisoners of war during the Civil War

What is Andersonville


The final event that caused the United States to officially divide between the North and the South and move closer to Civil War was the election of __________________ as president in 1860

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


The chief of the Cherokee Indians, he was also a successful businessman and plantation owner. He thought that if the Cherokee tribe converted to the White culuture, they would be treated well and allowed to keep their land in Georgia.

Who is John Ross?


This physical feature is one of the largest and healthiest freshwater ecosystems in the world is located in Georgia

What is the Okefenokee Swamp?


Savannah was the location of the first colonial settlement in Georgia. Which geographic feature of the area was probably the MOST important in the development of Savannah? This River is the ____________________ _______________.

What is a river that provided water and transportation. What is the Savannah River?


The capitals of Georgia in chronological order are

What is Savannah, Augusta, Louisville, Millegedville, and Atlanta?


The colony of Georgia was started for three reasons. These three reasons were

What are philanthropy, economics, and defense?


___________________ was a slave who was taken by his owner to the free states of Illinois and Wisconsin.  When he got back to the slave state of Missouri, he sued the state based on the belief that his time spent in the free states made him a free man. The court ruled against him

Who is Dred Scott?


The fall line divides the ________________ and ___________________ __________________ regions.

What are Piedmont and Coastal Plain?


During Reconstruction, Democrats in the Georgia General Assembly expelled the recently elected African American/Black members. One reason for this action was

What is to gain political power?


____________ ___________ was the first state to seceed from the Union (United States)

What is South Carloina?


Starting in November 1864, his army cut a path of destruction through Georgia, deliberately targeting the state's infrastructure, industries, and transportation networks.   The goal was to demoralize the Confederate population and weaken the Confederate war effort.   Sherman's forces reached the port city of Savannah, Georgia, in December 1864, effectively splitting the Confederacy in two

What is Sherman's March to the Sea?


The Chief of the Yamacraw Indians who gave land to James Oglethorpe

Who is Tomochichi?
