Who is Psyche's jealous mother-in-law?
Who is Venus?
Who gives Psyche her impossible tasks?
Who is Venus?
Why does Venus hate Psyche?
What is because people worship Psyche’s beauty instead of hers?
What does Cupid/Eros represent?
What is love?
Which animated Disney movie has a girl who falls for a beast?
What is Beauty and the Beast?
Who is Psyches husband?
Who is Cupid?
What tiny creatures help Psyche sort grains?
What are ants?
How does Cupid first meet Psyche?
What is Venus orders him to make her fall in love with a monster?
What does Psyche’s name mean in Greek?
What is "soul?"
What Shakespeare play is about two lovers who can’t be together?
Romeo and Juliet?
Who do people worship in place of worshipping Venus?
Who is Psyche?
How does Psyche get the golden fleece?
What is she collects it from bushes?
Who declares Psyche immortality?
Who is Jupiter?
What does Cupid's blindness in artistic depictions represent of love?
What is love is blind?
A movie/broadway play of a woman who falls in love with a masked man?
What is Phantom of the Opera?
How does Psyche break Cupid's trust?
What is she looks at him?
What happens when Psyche opens the box?
What is she falls asleep?
What god helps Psyche on her journey?
Who is Jupiter?
What is the main theme of the story?
What is to trust in love?
A romantic movie on love prevailing even when thrown (sinking) obstacles like Cupid and Psyche?
What is the Titanic?
How do Cupid and Psyche reunite?
What does Psyche bring back from the Underworld?
What is a box of beauty/beauty in a box?
What quality does Venus contain that makes her act the way she did toward Psyche?
What is jealousy/envy?
What does Psyche's journey represent?
What is growth and trust?
What is Aladdin?