Last name of Christopher
What is Boone?
The main problem that starts the story
What is Wellington being murdered?
Word used in the name of the disorder to explain that there is a range within the diagnosis (S of "ASD")
What is spectrum?
Topic related to seeing the way Christopher struggles to understand the world around him
What is the complexity of living with a disability
Condition of Wellington
What is dead?
Trait Dad has but Mom lacks according to Mom
What is patience?
The cause of his mother's death given to Christopher
What is a heart problem?
Type of language that is difficult for people with ASD
What is figurative language/sarcasm?
Topic related to Dad not being honest, Christopher bieng difficult to parent, and mom leaving
What are family dynamics?
Relationship with mom
What is moves in with mom?
Asks about the bruise on Christopher's face to investigate possible abuse
Who is Siobhan?
Caused Christopher to no longer feel safe with his dad
What is Dad's confession that he murdered Wellington?
Allows Christopher to recall specific details accurately
What is a photographic memory?
Topic related to identifying one's strengths and weaknesses
What is self awareness?
Personal goal reached by Christopher
What is passed his A level math exam?
Who is Mrs. Alexander, the neightbor?
Christopher's response to the officer trying to stand him up
What was hitting the officer?
Area of struggle for those with High-Functioning Autism
What are social cues?
Topic related to ways in which Christopher copes with anxiety
What are coping strategies?
Mom's relationship with Mr. Shears
What is no longer together?
Word that means things are the same each day which Christopher needed
What is routine?
One reason Mom gives for leaving Christopher
What was she was lonely/ tired of arguing/he was difficult/ didn't seem to need her/Rodger was moving?
Famous person with ASD on the TedTalk that specialized in livestock
Who is Temple Grandin?
Topic for seeing things through someone else's viewpoint
What are different perspectives?
The gift given to Christopher that symbolizes a new beginning
What is the puppy, Sandy?