This dog breed is also known as Newfies.
What are Newfoundlands?
This is the name of Minnesota's professional men's hockey team.
What is the Minnesota Wild?
This marsupial only eats eucalyptus leaves and lives in Australia.
What is koala?
This is the capital city of France.
What is Paris?
This is the name of Owen's favorite velociraptor in the Jurassic Park movie.
What is Blue?
This dog breed was said to have rescued people in the snowy mountains of the Alps.
What are/what is Saint Bernard(s)?
This is the player who wears number 27 in the Minnesota Professional Women's Hockey League.
Who is Taylor Heise?
This marsupial is tall and can jump extremely long distances.
What is a kangaroo?
This is the official language of France.
What is French?
This is the name of the dinosaur that spit poison.
What is dilophosaurus?
This dog originates from Australia and loves to chase cattle.
What are Australian Cattle Dogs/Australian shepeards?
This the number of overtime periods before a shootout.
What is 1?
This marsupial is a smaller version of a kangaroo.
What is a wallaby?
This is the name of a famous French dish comprised of cooked snails.
What is escargot?
This is one of the smallest dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.
What is compsognathus?
This dog is a type of terrier and has its origin place in its name.
What is a Boston Terrier?
This is when a player on the defensive team is behind the defensive offense.
What is cherry picking?
This marsupial lives in Australia and its feces are in the shape of squares?
What is Wombat?
This is France's biggest export.
What is wine?
This is the name of the long nailed dinosaur in Jurassic World.
What is theriznosaurus?
This dog is often used as a police dog and is sometimes accused of being violent.
What is a German Shepeard?
This is the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins.
Who is Sidney Crosby?
This marsupial went extinct in the 1930s and had stripes along its back and tail.
What is Tasmanian Tiger?
This is the year of the French Revolution.
What is 1789?
This is the name of the first hybrid dinosaur in Jurassic World.
What is Indominus Rex?