Th first thing you do when going into the kitchen to cook.
wash your hands
You should do this hygiene task at least 2 times each day.
Brush your teeth.
A meeting between you and a potential boss to see if they want to hire you.
When someone say says Good Morning, you say...
Good Morning!
Bring this item when you go shopping to make sure that you don't forget anything that you need.
Grocery List
What you need to do first when you are going to be baking something.
Preheat the oven.
You should do this everyday, either at night or in the morning before school.
Take a shower.
Do NOT bring this to a job interview.
Cell phone/gum/friends
When someone gives you something, you tell them....
Thank you!
The section of the grocery store where the fresh fruit and vegetables are located.
Produce department
You work at a restaurant or grocery store. The name for your hat, shirt, and apron that you wear to work.
This will prevent your underarms from stinking.
What you should wear to a job interview.
Neat, clean clothes.
When someone is coming through the door right behind you, you should....
hold the door open for them.
The section of the grocery store where you will find milk, eggs, and cheese.
When you clear the tables and take the dirty dishes to the sink to be washed.
When you take care of your hygiene needs BY YOURSELF WITHOUT ANY HELP, you are being....
How to greet your interviewer.
Shake their hand/say thanks for meeting with me/ nice to meet you
When someone has a death in their family, you tell them....
I'm sorry for your loss.
The thing on an item that tells you how fresh the item is.
The 'Best By' or 'Use By' date.
The reason why we clean our classroom each day.
To teach us job skills.
Make sure that these are clean and clip them once per week.
What to say when the interview is over.
Thank you for meeting with me/ Good-bye/ Have a nice day.
When someone compliments you (Good job!/ I like your shirt.), you say....
Thank you!
The name for items that must be refrigerated or frozen or they will go bad.