Really Really Want
This is OK...
Dual Influencers

These are states or conditions essential to the physical or psychological well-being of the customer

What is Personal Needs?


This is the minimum level of service the customer will accept.

What is adequate service?


These are personal and nonpersonal statements about the service made by the organization to customers that shape both desired and predicted service expectations.

What are explicit service promises?


These are beliefs about service delivery that serve as standards or reference points against which performance is judged.

What are Customer Expectations


The extent to which customers recognize and are willing to accept heterogeneity in service performance.

What is the zone of tolerance?


These are service-related cues, other than explicit promises, that lead to inferences about what the service should and will be like. These quality cues are dominated by price and the tangibles associated with the service.

What are implicit service promises?


This is the level of service the customer hopes to receive—the “wished for” level of performance

What is desired service


If customers believe they have multiple service providers to choose from, or if they can provide the service for themselves, they have more of this.  

What are perceived service alternatives?


These statements made by parties other than the organization—such as those found on social networking websites—convey to customers what the service will be like and influence both predicted and desired service.

What is Word-of-Mouth Communication?


This is the customer’s underlying generic attitude about the meaning of service highest expectations and the proper conduct of service providers.

What is personal service philosophy?


These include service performance conditions that customers view as beyond the control of the service provider, and short-term, individual factors that make a customer more aware of the need for service.

What are situational factors?


This is the customer’s previous exposure to service that is relevant to the focal service.

What is past experience?


These occur when customer expectations are driven by another person or group of people.

What are derived service expectations?


These are predictions made by customers about what is likely to happen during an impending transaction or exchange.

What is predicted service?

Predicted service directly influences this element in the zone of tolerance.

What is adequate service?
