Name two types of Customers
Internal and External
Two methods of effective Communcation
Face to face
Social Media
Customers have the right to personal and transactional information being protected and held in the highest confidence. Therefore you and your organization are obligated to keep external customer information in confidence.
Which of the following pieces of information are not considered confidential customer information? Customer’s credit card, Name of Salesperson, Name of Delivery man
Name of Salesman
Payment term
Date of delivery
List three steps in dealing with customer queries over the phone
ensures that all the tools to do the job are available (pens, notepads, etc.); smiles before picking up the phone; answers by the third ring; answers as per the company’s standard (identify company, greet caller and give name, offer assistance); builds rapport with the customer; uses positive voice tone; practices active listening; makes notes quickly; use caller’s name;
Differentiate between Internal and an external customer
An internal customer is someone who works within a business to achieve a particular goal while and external customer is someone who purchased good/services from the business
Differentiate between listening and hearing
Hearing – This is a passive process. It happens when sound waves reach your ears and are processed by your brain without requiring focus or understanding. For example, you "hear" background noise while working but might not pay attention to it.
Listening – This is an active process. It involves consciously focusing on the sounds, understanding the message, and responding appropriately. For example, when you engage in a conversation and try to understand what someone is saying, you are "listening."
Name the two main empowerment options:
“Structured empowerment” and “Unstructured empowerment”.
List three steps in dealing with customer queries face-to-face
ensures that all the tools to do the job are available at his finger tips; smiles and maintains eye contact as the customer walks towards the reception; greets and welcomes the customer as he/she comes closer to the reception desk; calls the customer by name once known; introduces him/herself to customer; offers the customer assistance; respects the customer’s personal space; practices active listening; makes notes quickly; maintains smile; manages the pace of the call; quotes prices confidentially;
give one request from an external customer and one request from an internal customer
Internal: Send over the documents to my office
External: Do you have 2L Sodas
Why is it important to listen to Customer?
To understand their request, needs or compalain
For Customers satifaction
Explain the difference between structured and unstructured empowerment
With regard to structured empowerment, for each situation there is a different set of rules. while an unstructured empowerment means that the service provider is given a budget which he can use at his or her discretion.
A prospective business customer of the hotel where you work has approached you for advice on staying in one of the hotel’s suites before he decides to check in.
List five questions to ask in order to help him decide whether to book a suite
How much space do you need? Do you need a large desk with reading lights? Do you need a telephone with quick dial buttons? Do you need a voicemail that you can access from the telephone without going through the operator? Do you need a telephone jack for an Internet connection? Do you need a fridge a microwave, a kettle? Do you need a super comfortable bed after a hectic day?
List 5 needs of a customer
timely service
How to use questions when dealing with different customers?
The skills need to establish the customer’s agenda are: ask both open-ended and closed questions;
wait for the response;
listen actively;
probe for specific data;
Give an example of both structured and unstructured empowerment
structured: A dissatisfied customer may be offered a discount on the price of a meal; a voucher worth a certain amount to use on his next trip to the restaurant, or a bottle of red wine.
Unstructured: Using the same example, the service provider can “pay for the meal”, offer a gift, or buy a bottle of wine as a present for the customer to take home. The thought in the employee’s mind is, “What can I do to make this right for the customer?”
Give 5 reasons why a customer may get upset
No greeting. No smiles. Service or product purchased not to expected standard. Faulty goods. Inefficient. Difference in price. Apathy. Passing the Buck. Being talked down to. Unresponsiveness.Wrong information. No one listened. Being stereotyped. Lying.
Explain two ways to achieve Customers satisfaction
dignity and Respect
technical quality
problem solving
Human Interaction
Identify five positive and three negative non-verbal signals
Explain one positive non-verbal signals that could be used to show interest, when dealing with a customer.
Positive: A warm, friendly smile; Firm, brief handshake; Eye contact; Wave; Good hygiene practice; Well-groomed appearance; Nod; Listening; Facing customer.
Negative: Hissing of teeth; Arms across chest; Sulky; Bored look; Frown; Leaning on counter; Not listening to customer; Slouching; Head held down; Furrowed brow; A vexed look; Plastic smile; Doing paper work while talking to customer; Giving customer a limp fish handshake; Giving customer an intimate handshake; Chewing gum; Scratching body parts; Stretching; Beckoning to customer; Beckoning the customer,
List three occasions when a supervisor may need to be called.
When the customer is asking for his money back and you don’t have the authority to give money back.
When the customer is creating mayhem at the front desk.
When a service provider is overwhelmed with customers and need assistance to cope.
When an irate customer demands to see the manager and refuses to talk to anybody but the manager.
List the six steps in dealing with customers Complaints
Listen to the customer
show empathy
apologize to customersoffer solution
act on the problem
follow through
check back