True or False ? You can locate the Account Portal from the main debit screen
True , it is towards the middle of the screen on the right hand side.
True or False ? You can get to cell lookup by clicking on the MDN ?
True, you can get to cell lookup by clicking on the MDN
True or False : Can a agent add HS data without sup ?
No , high speed has to be added by a supervisor
What kind of cup can be on your desk while working ?
Spill Proof Cup
How much is a international pin ? & how long is it good for ?
$10 and until next billing cycle
What are the 8 tabs on the account portal screen ?
What is the difference between Disconnect and Suspend ?
Disconnect the number is lost forever, services will no longer work & Suspend is when they still pay the bill but services are on hold usually for military.
How many seconds do you have to hit NEW CALL ?
5 seconds
What is puretalks cell phone policy ?
Cell phones are not allowed on the floor, can be used for breaks and lunches
True or False ? You are able to take sales calls
False, all sales calls need to be transferred to sales.
What is the processing fee to pay a bill over the phone ? & can it be waived ?
$5 & no under certain exceptions
What does the "P" and the "I" mean when looking at transactaction ?
The P stands for Payment and the I stands for Invoice
*They make the invoice first (in black) and the payment after (in red).
How many paid breaks do pure talk give ?
2 15 min breaks
How many occurrences can you receive before termination ?
8 occurrences
What is the difference between international calling and international roaming ?
international calling is when you are calling out the country, international roaming is when you are out of the country
Is hotspot guaranteed on androids ? explain ?
No , hotspots are only guaranteed on iphone devices however there are some samsung devices that can get hotspot
True or False ? We are able to Remove VOLTE
False, we are unable to remove it but we can add it.
What all do you have to verify when answering a call ?
True or False ? Holes in jeans are acceptable
What is the only email ticket template we use ?
Changing a Shipping Address (FOR DEVICES ONLY) Email Template
How many days does puretalk try and take the payment before customer has to call in and pay bill ?
3 days .
What are two ways to get to cell lookup ?
the cell lookup tab or clicking on the MDN when acct is pulled up
What are the numbers that should be in service package ?
VOICE: 5000
MMS: 5000
How many min do you have at the start of a scheduled shift or returning from break or lunch before a occurrence is given ?
3 mins
How long has Trainer Eboni been with the company ?
1 year and 10 months