Cust. Svc. Scenerios
What is it?
Random / Anything Goes
True or False
Freedom Tree Expectations
Honor, Commit, Persist, Excel, Enjoy
Chef Gordon Who is right, who is wrong in this scene? Why?
The term "triple liner"
What is a PID Error with three lines of information with various errors for a student.
compulsory school attendance defintion
What is if a student is absent from school on 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days within a four-week period:
2 Part Question - True/False and The student is expected to be confined at home or hospital bedside for a minimum of 4 weeks. The weeks must be consecutive in order to qualify.
False, the weeks do not need to be consecutively. Home Bound Services
Number of nationwide schools as of date
162 - (20 states and DC)
Who is right, who is wrong in this scene? Why?
If a child is enrolled under a name other than the name that appears in the identifying documents, your district must notify who?
What is Missing Children and Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse
2 Part Question: service hours must not be accumulated and carried forward from one week to the next, and service hours may be applied to a previous week.
What is Homebound Services, False
2 Part Question: Hours and Subject to Rule A school day must be at least 8 hours each day, including intermissions and recesses. Open-enrollment charter schools are subject to this requirement and may have a longer school day if their charter so provides
False, 7 hours a day; Charter school are NOT subject to this ruling (shorter day if school provides)
The first KIPP school to open
What is KIPP Academy Middle School
Lazy Customer Service Scenario
Low-Attendance Day Waivers
For a day when school was held but attendance was at least 10 percentage points below the overall average attendance rate for your district (or the applicable campus) for the prior year because of weather-related or health or safety issues, your district may apply for a waiver to have the day excluded from ADA and FSP funding calculations.
2 Part Question A 21-year-old student who graduated the prior year returns for one class; what is the proper coding? Returns in Spring for 5 classes?
Code 0 - Not in Membership Code 4 - Ineligible, Full Day
2 Part - Explanation and Code A 5-year-old student enrolls in kindergarten in a district that offers only a half-day program. Because of special circumstances, this student attends both the morning and the afternoon sessions.
FALSE - This student’s ADA eligibility code is 2 - Eligible for Half-Day Attendance because a student cannot attend the same program twice and generate funding twice.
Who is right, who is wrong in this scene? Why?
What is Arrival, Review, Dismissal
What are the testing procedures for recording attendance for "testing days"
If standardized achievement tests or final exams are administered during the period designated for attendance taking, staff members should record absences just before, during, or immediately after the exam
2 Part Question - Explanation and Code True or False - A 21-year-old student who graduated the prior year may return for class during the new year. What is the correct ADA Code?
False - the age is 21 - Since this student does not attend the 2-hour minimum to be included in membership, the student’s ADA eligibility code is? Code ___________
25 Skills for Excellent Customer Service
How many PEIMS Records can you name 10 11 20 30 32 33 40 43 50 55 60 90 305 100 101 102 110 163 169 170 203 400 405 408 410 415 425 435 461 500 505 510
PEIMS Records
Explain Options Available Your school district decides that it will have an early-release day on which classes are dismissed at noon. Your district has morning and afternoon sections of PK students. The morning section meets; however, the afternoon section does not meet.
District personnel may take one of these three courses of action. Personnel may do any of the following: • count the afternoon section of PK students as absent, since the students received no instruction on that school day or • have students make up the day on an alternative day, and report the afternoon PK section with a separate calendar or • bring the afternoon PK students in for instruction with the morning section.