What should a cadet at the position of parade rest do if an officer walks in front of them
Snap to attention
Besides your ID, hydration, and health forms, what also should you bring to a CAP meeting
Note taking materials with writing utensils
According to the LTL module 1, what is the first step to reporting in to an officer
Check your uniform
How do you start an email
Greeting of the day
Are we allowed to bring in any food into a CAP meeting
After an officer is done explaining something to a flight at the at ease position, he says "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?", what is the proper way for the flight to respond
They Snap to attention in unison, and respond "Yes Sir/Ma'am"
When we clean the classroom at the end of every meeting, what are we doing
Leaving the place cleaner then how we found it
When do you drop a salute when reporting-in to an officer
After they drop their salute
Even though we use discord instead of emails, what should we still do when typing out messages
Use Customs and courtesies
What is customary to do when you believe two people are meeting for the first time
Introduce them to eachother
When out on the drill grounds you come across an officer, you salute the officer, but the officer is too concentrated on Bravo Flight's drill to notice you. What do you do
Wait a few seconds, drop the salute, and continue walking to join up with your flight
What do you give a cadet/senior member during a class
Your complete attention
How do you report into a flight
Approach the Flight Sergeant, salute, say "C/AB Figgs requesting permission to join flight, Sergeant", wait for a return salute, then fall in WHEN the sergeant says to.
What is something you should never do with a CAP email
Send it without CC 2 senior members
Cadet Curry is struggling with his right faces, his Flight Sergeant sees this and gives him some advice on how to improve. Curry responds by saying " gotcha, my bad sarge" was this a proper response
What does a cadet do when a senior member walks into the classroom and no other senior members are present
Call the room to attention
How do you sign-in into a meeting
Approach the First Sergeant, halt two paces from him/her, salute, say "C/AB Curry reporting for duty, First Sergeant", wait for a return salute before dropping yours, Answer any questions that he/her might ask you, wait for him to inspect your uniform, then he/her will admit you into the meeting
What is something you should never have in a CAP email
When was the standard salute, with the right hand touching the brim of the head cover with the palm down, first enacted
The standard salute, with the right hand touching the brim of the head cover with the palm down, was in place by 1820. It may have been influenced by the salute style of the British Navy at the time
While marching, a flight of cadets is about to pass an officer. What does the flight sergeant do
Continues the march and salutes the officer for the flight.
During a class, how do you respond to a question
Stand up, say the rank of the cadet/senior member who is doing the class, then you say your own rank, then you state the answer/question
According to the LTL module 1 book, what is the only difference between reporting in to an officer inside instead of outside
Knock on the outside of the officer's door, and wait for them to admit you in.
What is the most important step to making a CAP email
What is that thing called that the cadets keep forgetting to use, it had something to do with chains