What is a third space?
A third space is a place between home and the office.
What is a social space?
It is an open and comfortable space that provides the perfect environment for impromptu discussions for the employees.
What can be put up on social spaces?
Company information, updates, and news.
What is the purpose of a third space?
A third space provides space for interactions and collaborations among employees.
What is the center of a house? At an office, in turn, what is the social center?
Kitchen; social space
Why is it important to place information about the company at the social space?
To keep everyone informed and reinforce the company brand.
Why are third spaces used these days?
Because the way we work today is more social than ever.
What are the positive effects of having a social space for employees?
It creates a sense of belonging and helps them identify themselves with the company culture.
What benefits can companies reap by investing in social spaces?
They can give employees a chance to enjoy the social buzz and an atmosphere of the 'cafe culture' whilst connecting with colleagues; increase opportunities to build relationships and share ideas in a relaxed environment.
What are third spaces replacing?
Uniform rows of desks and office chairs.
What are the positive effects of having a social space for the company?
It helps, in the long run, to engage and retain employees' loyalty.
Why are digital displays more popular than a noticeboard?
They are instantly updatable and visually more engaging