Starts with "c"
Ends with "ub"
What is cub?
Starts with "d"
Ends in "ug"
What is dug?
Starts with "h"
Ends with "um"
What is hum?
Starts with "r"
Ends with "un"
What is run?
Starts with "n"
Ends with "ut"
What is nut?
Starts with "d"
Ends with "ub"
What is dub?
Starts with "h"
Ends in "ug"
What is hug?
Starts with "m"
Ends with "um"
What is mum?
Starts with "s"
Ends with "un"
What is sun?
Starts with "b"
Ends with "ut"
What is but?
Starts with "t"
Ends with "ub"
What is tub?
Starts with "l"
Ends in "ug"
What is lug?
Starts with "s"
Ends with "um"
What is sum?
Starts with "b"
Ends with "un"
What is bun?
Starts with "c"
Ends with "ut"
What is cut?
Starts with "r"
Ends with "ub"
What is rub?
Starts with "r"
Ends in "ug"
What is rug?
Starts with "b"
Ends with "um"
What is bum?
Starts with "f"
Ends with "un"
What is fun?
Starts with "h"
Ends with "ut"
What is hut?
Starts with "s"
Ends with "ub"
What is sub?
Starts with "b"
Ends in "ug"
What is bug?
Starts with "g"
Ends with "um"
What is gum?
Starts with "n"
Ends with "un"
What is nun?
Starts with "m"
Ends with "ut"
What is a mut?