Social Media
Do and Don't Cyberbullies
the use of Internet and mobile technologies to harass others. It includes spreading mean rumors, posting embarrassing images, impersonating others, and sending threatening messages
What is Cyberbullying
Can you be Cyber Bullied on Facebook?
What is yes
Every _____ minutes a child is cyberbullied.
What is 7 minutes
Can you use the 3 R's in this case? Recognize Resist Report
What is yes
Is saying that someone's hair is ugly cyber bullying?
What is no
following the online rules – even if no one is there to catch you breaking them. One of the most important online rules is respecting content posted by other people
What is Digital Ethics
according to a report by the Washington Post, nine out of 10 teen ________ users have reported they have witnessed bullying on this social media site.
What is Facebook
About this many teenagers have been cyberbullied. ____ out of 3
What is 1 in ever 3
If you are online and getting hate messages, is it ok to get your parents or should you try to solve the problem along?
What is get a trusted adult
What to do if you come across inappropriate content online
What is if you accidentally come across inappropriate content online. Try to avoid inappropriate content by double checking the URLs you type hey you can turn off the screen, use the back button, tell a trusted adult, or report it to the website or app where you found it.
the ability to understand what you read and see online – help people find online sources with trustworthy and accurate information. They also help people think critically about what they see online and encourage them not to take anything at face value. Learning these skills allows Internet users to navigate the Web with confidence.
What is Digital Literacy
Unfriend anyone who posts negative posts and is harassing them. Block anyone who continues to send messages. Report the individual to the social media site. Avoid responding to messages from a bully. Let an adult know what is happening. Keep records of the behaviour for proof, if needed.
What is things you can do?
Only this many teenagers out of 10 tell their parents if they have been cyberbullied.
What is 1
Can you save the evidence of someone cyber bulling?
What is Yes you can b/c this can help someone understand the problem
Define a strong password
What is A strong password is one that is designed to be hard for a person or program to discover. Because the purpose of a password is to ensure that only authorized users can access resources, a password that is easy to guess is a security risk. ... A typical weak password is short and consists solely of letters in a single case. EX-a6j3f^&9b
Words/actions, that have not been welcomed, and intend to annoy, alarm or abuse individual
What is Harassment
Posting negative comments on pictures. Posting abusive posts on a user’s wall. Using pictures or videos to make fun of another user. Using social media to stalk. Hacking an account or fraudulently making posts as though another wrote them.
What is Bullying on Social Media?
____% of children admit that someone had said mean or hurtful things to them online.
What is 58%
Getting back at the bully turns you into one and reinforces the bully’s behavior.
What is what not to do
________ percent of surveyed students admit to cyberbullying others
Evidence of a person use of the internet. This includes anything that can be linked to his or hers existence, presence or identity
What is Digital Footprint
When children, and many adults for that matter, aren’t talking to someone face-to-face, they are less likely to feel the implications of what they are really saying. It is too easy to say something you wouldn’t say to someone if they were standing right in front of you.
What is why it is Easier to Bully on Social Media
__% of people use their social networking sites accounts to cyberbully.
What is 39%
Should you reply back to the bully?
What is No! You can tell him to stop but don't reply harsh back.
Is it true that things you post or put out on the web are seen by everyone even if you delete it.
What is yes