A letter sent with, and explaining the contents of, another document (such as a resume).
Cover Letter
Allowing others to view, comment, or edit your document.
A brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application.
Pre-designed documents that you can use to create new documents quickly.
he arrangement of text and images on a document, including font size, color, alignment, etc.
A person's usual or principal work or business, especially as a means of earning a living.
A feature that shows all the changes that have been made to a document over time.
Revision History
A temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather than merely employment.
A link to another location within the document, a website, or an email address.
The menu at the top of Google Docs that includes tools for editing and formatting your document.
A person’s range of skills or abilities.
A group of businesses that produce a similar product or provide a similar service.
Guidance provided by a mentor, especially an experienced person in a company or educational institution.
An additional piece of information printed at the bottom of a page.
To place additional elements into your document, such as images, tables, or links.
The progression of jobs that lead to your short and long-term career goals.
Career Path
Interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Observing a professional in their job to gain insight into their responsibilities and tasks.
Job Shadowing
Sections at the top and bottom of a document where you can add text or images that appear on every page.
The positioning of text within a document, such as left, center, right, or justified.
An event where employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees.
Career Fair
Training or education that helps individuals continue to grow in their career field.
Professional Development
A system of training a new generation of practitioners in a trade or profession through on-the-job training and often some accompanying study.
An organized listing of the chapters or sections in a document.
Table of Contents
The ability to see changes made by collaborators as they happen.
Real-time Editing