It is acceptable to share my passwords with others.
Absolutely NOT. (maybe your parent/guardians)
What is the term used for when cyber-attackers send fake emails that appear legitimate?
What is one step you could take into protecting yourself online?
2. Using a nickname as your username
3. Using a photo that is not your face as your profile picture
What are examples of cyberbullying?
1. Texting/commenting/emailing someone hurtful/threatening messages
2. Uploading embarrassing/humiliating posts about someone
3. Spreading rumors online
4. Intentionally excluding someone from a group chat
5. Creating hate groups or websites about someone online.
Everything online are facts! If it wasn't true, why else would it be there! True or False?
False, false, false. People post ANYTHING online to get attention!
Using one good password for everything is great because you will never forget it! True or False?
False! Having the same password for every online account poses a risk for hackers to gain access to EVERYTHING!
RING RING! Getting a call but you don't recognize the number. Should you answer? It could be about something important.
NOPE! Please do not answer phone calls you do not recognize. If it is important, they will leave a voicemail.
Why shouldn't you use your first and last name on your social media accounts?
Doing this gives access to anyone, anywhere to look your name up online and find out more information about you.
You see that there is a hate profile on Instagram about your friend. People are making fun of them because of their sexuality. What can you do?
1. Report the profile.
2. Address it to a trusted adult
Once something is posted on the internet:
It stays there forever
What is one method you could use to remember your password?
1. Password manager
2. Writing them down
You got an email stating "Congrats! You've been our Pride Month Winner for a brand new iPhone 15! To collect your prize click here". Should you click the link to collect your prize?
Do NOT click the link. 99.9% it is a scammer trying to get your information.
Name 3 things that you should NEVER share with someone online.
1. Address
2. Phone Number
3. Your location
4. SIN Number
Anything that is not public knowledge
You see that your friend has been constantly getting hurtful comments on their posts. They shrug it off because "everyone has haters". You notice that their behaviour is different. What do you think you should do.
1. Talk to them about it. Understand that it is cyberbullying and that is it not okay.
2. Guide them to talk with a trusted adult.
3. Encourage them to block the user, and to private their account
People pretend to be someone else online using their photos. True or False?
Unfortunately true. People impersonate others online all the time.
What does having a strong password include?
A combination of letters, numbers and symbols!
BONUS: The longer your password is, the more difficult it will be for hackers to guess!
DING! You got a text saying "TD Bank: $157.87 was withdrawal from your account. If this was not you please call: 604-854-3235". What should you do?
Ignore and deleted the text. If you have concerns about your account, you can contact your bank directly through the app/their official website.
Being a part of the 2SLGBTQ+ Community is amazing, and the internet makes it an "easier" place to connect with others. What are ways to create a safe space online?
1. Start a private community following page with your peers
2. Create a group chat with those you trust included in the community.
3. *Your ideas
You have blocked the cyberbully, but they have made multiple accounts to harass and you are still seeing terrible posts, comments and texts about you for 3 weeks now. What should you do?
Save or screenshot any post, comment or text as take it to the police. This person is harassing you and it is not okay
What is the important of enabling a Two-Factor Authentication?
To prevent hackers from accessing your personal accounts and information.