What Is Cyber Safety?
Cyber Safety Tips
Digital Citizenship
Personal Information
? Mystery ?
Is being safe on the in internet!
What is cyber safety?
Never post pictures of others without there permission! They may not want it on your account! Ask them first!
Why can't I post pictures of other people?
Being nice online. If you wouldn't say it face-to-face don't say it!
What is digital citizenship?
Personal information is Your name Your address Your school Your afterschool activities Your family's names Your parents' work Your email and phone number
What is personal information?
A spam is when you put personal information and email into contests or websites. They take that information and give you constant emails about what you like, but don't want.
What is spam?
Asking your parents if there is a site that you can make an account on, or asking them if you can get a certain app etc.
How can you be safe on the internet?
Ask your parents first! They might not want you to have it!
What if I want to get a social media app?
Stand up to cyber bullying by stopping talking to that person, blocking them, reporting them and talking to an adult about it!!
How can you stand up to cyber bullying?
Your full name Your birthday Your phone number Your email Pictures of yourself or others
What can't you put on the internet?
Is being safe online!
What is cyber safety?
It is important so that "The Big Bad Wolf" won't blow your house down! A.K.A Staying safe is so important so that they can't find your personal information (email, address and even your phone number!)
Why is it important to stay safe online?
Don't give out personal information! Don't post pictures of other people, without their permission!
What are some cyber safety tips!
Save it (screen shot), report, block and talk! After that maybe ask the person if they are okay!
What to do if you see cyber bullying?
Your first name Your birthday but not the year Your pet/pet's name Your favourite colour, food, sports and animal
What can you put on the internet?
Best part?? Sorry not a cyber tip :)
What was your favourite part of our presentation?
Make sure to tell someone about it. Next time don't enter that contest that you put your email and a lot of other personal information in!
What to do if you get spammed?
If they are asking you where you live, what your full name is, what your parents' names are etc.! Be careful out there!
How to tell if someone is trying to find out who you are.
Asking the bully if they are okay or if they need a friend.
How can we prevent cyber bullying?
Because they will take that information and sell it to other companies or spam you!
Why can't you put personal information into contests?
Only post or share information that you're okay with the whole world seeing at any point or time in your life!
What is digital citizenship rule?
Take your device to a shop, make sure you tell them when it started to happen! Don't leave it!
What to do if you get hacked?
You could give them don't put personal information online, Don't go on sites you aren't suppose to, really anything we put on our power point!
What advice can you give someone about cyber safety?
Only post things online that you are okay with the entire world seeing.
What is the digital citizenship rule?
You need to be so careful on the internet! There is so many ways people can find out where you live, your name, your phone number! Stay safe out there!
How important is it to stay safe on the internet?
Don't give your personal information out online. Be smart! Learn don't burn!
What is the key tip to remember when you are online?