Physical Security
The Enemy
Random seemingly unrelated facts, numbers, words or statistics.
What is Data?

When a password is limited strictly to numeric characters, the secret is often referred to as a PIN. What does that acronym stand for?

What is Personal Identification Number?

To apply or maintain permissions to prevent an account from getting information they are not authorized to see while making the information available to those who are authorized.
What is Access Control?

They are people who traditionally tried to gain access to computers remotely to learn more and for intellectual curiosity. Currently, they only make up 17% of computer intrusions.

Who are hackers?


If you want to make sense of ciphertext, you’ll need a key to decrypt it. What’s the name for the readable, plain language text it turns into?

What is Plaintext?

Data compiled into documents, maps, charts, and other forms of information gives assets dollar _____________
What is Value?

On June 7, 2021, the Department of Justice announced that it had seized approximately $2.3 million worth of what cryptocurrency from the Darkside Colonial Pipeline hackers?

What is Bitcoin?


A cyberattack in which the attacker intercepts and alters data as it is transmitted between two parties is known as an MitM attack - what do the letters MitM stand for?

What is Man-in-the-middle?


What is the 6-letter term for a group of computers that is networked together and used by hackers to steal information?

What is Botnet?


Which term that’s borrowed from a busy emergency room full of patients in need of medical attention refers to automatically (e.g., by using technology) assigning priority to cybersecurity alerts?

What is Triage?

Any combination of your name, your home address or phone number, credit card or account numbers or social security number.
What is PII? (or Personally Identifiable Information)

The use of personality, inowledge of human nature and social skills to steal passwords, keys tokens or other credentials to gain access to systems.

What is Social Engineering?


What does the first "D" stand for in the common cybercrime known as a DDoS attack?

Who is Distributed? (Distributed Denial-of-service)

These are well run groups of crooks who methodically look for computer vulnerabilities to steal large numbers of financial or credit card accounts for financial profit.
Who are organized crime groups?

Which D-term describes the field of forensics that would investigate cybercrime?

What is Digital?


A fraudulent email pretending to be from your bank and asking for your login information is a classic example of what kind of simple cyberattack, which is by far the most common cyberattack on the internet?

What is Phishing?


30-50% of all data loss due to the people already within the organization.

What is Insider Threat?


Titan Rain was a series of attacks on U.S. computers that started in 2003. The hackers gained access to defense networks at places like Lockheed Martin and NASA. Which country did the attacks originate from?

What is China?

They are structured groups funded by other governments and dedicated to mapping out the internet addresses for the purpose of espionage and possible computer attacks.
What is state sponsored hacking?

What drama thriller TV show stars Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer and hacker with social anxiety disorder, clinical depression, and dissociative identity disorder?

What is Mr.Robot?


In the context of password generation, for what does the acronym OTP stand? The term dynamic password is often used synonymously with OTP.

What is One-time password?


Which term related to designing houses can also describe the underlying cybersecurity structure, as well as the technology and policies that support it?

What is Achitecture?


It is a word or phrase that verifies that you and only you had access to the account.

What is a Password?


The "man without a head" is the emblem of what Guy Fawkes-lovin' hacker group that reemerged in 2020?

Who is Anonymous?


No flexibility on your answers: launched in 2006, Amazon's EC2 stands for WHAT Compute Cloud?

What is Elastic?
