What is Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY DOUBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What different types of overlays can be selected from the RMF Knowledge Service Site?
Which overlay does DCMA uses?
What is Classified Systems, Protected Health Information, PII Low Confidentiality, PII Mod Confidentiality, and PII High Confidentiality.
What is PII Low Confidentiality.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Per NIST 800-37, who approves the frequency with which security controls are assessed post deployment?
Per DODI 8510.01, vulnerability severity values are assigned to what as part of the security control analysis to indicate the severity associated with the identified vulnerability?
What is system specific (specific to a system), common (used across multiple systems), hybrid (has both specific and common characteristics).