Which password is better
"12341234" or "!_l0ve my clog"
"!_l0ve my clog" is correct.
Whats your address?
Good job, you said nothing.
Name two jobs in the Cyber security industry.
Logical hackers, Security Analyst, Security Engineer, Security Architect, Security Administrator, Security Software Developer, Cryptographer, Security Consultant, ect...
Should you text this stranger your social security number.
What makes a good password?
Some things that make a good password are having 5-10 characters, symbols and numbers, making it memorable and secure, ect...
Which username revels less personal information.
"Joe.smith@hawthorn9564" or "DolphinKing101"
"DolphinKing101" is more secure. remember not to share personal information in your usernames.
Joe made a big mistake by using his full name, lunch number, and were he goes to school.
What can you do to learn more about cyber security?
You go to secure sites with fun games like inter-land.
Don't go to the website.
What is a password?
A password is a sequence or phrase that gains access to your information, data, and accounts.
Should you read the terms and services.
"YES" you should read the terms and service.
Why is cyber security important?
Cyber security is important because, we need to secure important things online, just like why we protect things in person.
On you-tube you see an add offering free v-bucks and ro-bux if you enter you Fortnite and Roblox account information. What do you do?
This definitely fake, don't give them your information.
JOE is asking if he can use your password so he can play the game to. What should you do?
You should not give JOE you passwords, or account information.
If a website asks for your age what should you do?
You should first ask a trusted adult such as your parents, most website shouldn't have you real age, but it could be importnant.
What is cyber security?
Cyber security is basically any type of security online, anything from passwords and not giving people your information to protecting large data bases of information online.
You recieve an email, telling you that you just won $100,000! All they need is your mom's credit card information! What do you do?
"It's a trap!" don't give them credit card information. first contact a trusted adult, then confirm if it is legitimate.
Why do you need a good password?
You need a good passwords because there are people that want your information, an you need to keep that safe.
How do you keep your personal information private?
To keep you personal information private you don't share it with strangers, putt it in usernames, post it online, ect...
How can you practice cyber security?
You can practice cyber security by making good passwords, not giving away your personal info., reading the term and services, asking your parent before you do things online, ect...
You get Texted by "Amazon" saying you need to fix your password immediately. You go to the site and it is saying you need to confirm your previous account information. What do you do?
Many scammers and hacker do this, they say there is a problem, but when you go to fix it, they cause the problem they were talking about. When this happens, contact the actual company and looked at you account, then report this problem.