What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
What are some possible causes of Cyberbullying
Different perceptions of status in the school
Anxiety towards replying to a message
Which is the country with least and which is the country with the most amount of cyberbullying?
The least is Russia and the Highest is India
Is it considered cyberbullying if someone in your family is bullying you on what's app
Sadly it is considered cyberbullying
What type of people are targeted normally
people will overweight problems
people with disabilities
people with anorexia
What are the names of the two people who participate in Cybrbbullyinhg the bully and the______?
How many people In the World exactly have been cyberbullied (EXACTLY)
It Is Impossible to know Free Points WOOOOHOOOOO
What gender is more likely to suffer from cyberbullying Girls or boys?
What social media do cyberbullies usually use?
Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter.
Can Cyberbullying be in videogames?
Yes, Cyberbullying can be in videogames. But not in all videogames normally in online video games and games with a game chat
In Asia what is the percentage of cyberbullying through video games?
79% to 80%
Say the Cyberbullying in Spanish.
acoso cibernético
Why do people normally cyberbully?
People who normally cyberbully are often driven by feelings of anger revenge and frustration
How do people normally react to cyberbully?
There are two types of reaction People either react positively or negatively.
Among High School Students 1_% are bullied online and _0% are bullied in school properties
Among High School Students 15% are bullied online and 20% are bullied in school properties
Does Cyberbullying affect a physical effect or it affects a phycological effect?
In some Cases both but normally it is phycological so either one is correct free points WoooHoooo
Which type of people is the most attacked by cyberbullying?
The LGBTTQQIAAP community
What are some possible effects of Cyberbullying
Afraid to socialize
loss of self-esteem
How much percentage of teens worldwide with social media experience from cyberbullying?
What is the Best Way To Counter Cyberbullying?
Block The person that is cyberbullying you