
You upload a picture of you and a friend out shopping and someone leaves a comment saying “OMG why did you go there, ha how stupid!” What emotion do you feel? 

upset, hurt, embarrassed, sad, angry 


What is cyberbullying? 

Harassing, threatening, or humiliating people over electronic forms of communication (phones, Internet, online video games, social networking sites)


A group of students in Kobe’s class have been invited to join the same gaming group chat. Kobe wasn't asked, and he enjoys playing video games with everyone. A friend then showed him a message posted in the group which said “Kobe is a cry baby. No one let him in the chat.”- This is an example of cyberbullying? 



•You share a funny video on your social networking page and receive negative comments such as “How is that funny?”, Why would anyone want to watch that?”, and “This is stupid!” What should you do, when you receive this message? 

Talk to someone 

If you know the person, confront them and tell that that isn't nice

Ignore them and know that isn't nice 

Block or delete their comment 


What do cyber bullies do to other kids?

•Texting or emailing intimidating, rude or cruel messages to people

•Post humiliating videos or photographs of someone online

•Harassing someone by sending repeated messages

•Setting up fake profiles or using actual profiles on social networking sites to prank or make fun of someone

•Spreading rumours or gossip about someone


Is deliberately excluding someone from an online group cyberbullying? 



•Someone in your school sends you private gaming messages saying “No one likes you, loser!” What do you do? 

Talk to a parent or teacher 

Know, what they are saying is not true and they just want to hurt you.

Respond to their message with a joke- "is that because I'm winning! Let's play another round" 


What is Trolling? 

•Online fights where scornful and offensive messages are posted on websites, forums, or blogs


Is Tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information cyberbullying? 



•In response to a dare, Cynthia secretly uses her phone to record video of Angela falling during a gym class exercise. She posts the video to YouTube, adds a nasty comment about Angela, and sends the link to all of her friends, encouraging them to post similar anonymous comments. What should you do?

Delete the video. Tell Cynthia that isn't nice and she should apologize to Angela. 

Tell Angela you didn't post the video and support her  


What does universal facial expressions mean? 

No matter where you are in the world, a person will be able to communicate non-verbally with these expressions. 


Can the police get involved if someone is harassing someone by sending repeated messages i.e. “I’m going to get you” 

Yes. The police take this threat very seriously because you never know what the outcome will be. 


•Boris is mad at another online gamer named Casey, and begins to tell other people on the gaming network that Casey "sucks" at all video games and that no one should ever be his partner unless they want to lose really badly. Soon after these statements are posted online, Casey's gaming friends start to unfriend him and refuse to play with him. What should you do if Casey is your friend? 

Talk to Casey and see if he is okay. 

Tell the other friends, that isn't bad a video games and that isn't nice unfriending him because one person made one negative comment 


What are the 4 universal facial expressions?

Happy, sad, angry, fear 


What are consequences to cyberbullying? 

experience anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem.

 They also may experience physical symptoms, mental health issues, and struggle academically, legal action, suicide
