what is the most rare country to get cyberbullied on
greece (5% chance)
what is when group plans on on cyberbullying you
what is someone saying that UR GARBAGE
someone being TOXIC / being mean in a video game
what is when you kill yourself
what is how much more likely is it for people to suicide
they are
what is the platform is that is third most likely for kids to get cyberbullied on
what is someone getting back at you for something that you did
what is when someone steals your account on a game / platform
getting HACKED
what is the most common side effect of cyberbullying
depressed / lonely
what is how much have the suicide rates go up in the US because of Cyberbullying (less than 75%)
what is the platform that is second most likely that kids get cyberbullied on
what is something that you didn't do but someone
what is when someone random calls you
what is the emotion would you fee if you got threatened by a anonymous person who claims they have all of your security answers
you will be like a big ball of STRESS rolling in more stress / anxiety
what is ?/10 of teens Cyberbully because they think it's funny
what is the most cyberbullied country in the WORLD
what is someone who thinks they will be cool if they cyberbully
power hungry
what is someone who is spreading stuff of doubtful truth
spreading rumors
acting violent
what is the percent of kids would like to keep getting cyberbullied a secret
what is the platform that are kids are most likely to get cyberbullied on
what is when someone dosn't care about you
lack of empathy
demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them
black mail
feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness, might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat
what is the percentage of people get social anxiety from getting cyberbullied
40% rounded