Assertive communication style
Looking at the eyes of a person is called what?
Eye Contact
Hey I understand that you have plans with your friend at 3:00 PM but can I drop you off a little later because I really need buy this medications for my mom.
Assertive Communication
True or False. "I" statements start with "I need _____"
You ordered a rajas burrito and they give you picadillo instead. Use an assertive statement to express your need/want.
Statement has to be respectful, state your need/want, and be stated with an appropriate tone.
This communication style can sometimes lead to people being taken advantage of?
Passive communication
What kind of tone is described as stable and firm?
A steady tone.
I don't care if your brother is sick; I need to turn in grades and now I have to stay here longer because you couldn't turn your work in on time.
Aggressive Communication
Your friend keeps openly flirting with a girl that you've been interested in for the past month. use an "I" statement to explain how this makes you feel.
"I feel angry when you..."
"I feel upset when you..."
"I feel betrayed when you..."
Aggressive Communication Style
What is a way to show confidence through body language?
Good posture (standing up straight), making eye contact, and not crossing arms or legs.
I do have work but I guess I can be a little late to get you that game you have been asking me for.
Passive Communication
Your friend keeps blowing smoke in your face knowing that you have a drug test coming up in a few days. Use an "I" statement to express how you feel."
"I feel anxious when you blow smoke in my face."
People who use ______ communication tend to be sarcastic, make complaints, and do not like to say how they really feel
Being assertive means you're ________ your needs.
What form of communication style is in this video?
"I feel bad when you..."
"I feel nervous when you..."
"I feel hurt when you..."
What is a difference between Passive-Aggressive communication and Aggressive Communication
Aggressive communication relies on taking power and make their thoughts known. Passive-Aggressive do not like to take direct control or make their thoughts known.
An agreement between two people that meets the needs of both people is called what?
Carefully wording your "I" statement is important because it will not sound like you are ________.
Blaming them.